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Rey woke up on the couch in a red and white room. Quickly, standing up, she looked around and found her old opponent in a large tub full of steaming water. Across the room was also many maids laying warm cloths on a shirtless Thor. She looked back at the green giant who seemed somewhat tamed, "So who won?"

He laughed and patted his chest, "Hulk."

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, whatever."

There were a few moments of silence as the maids were putting more cloths over Thor's torso. But it was short lived, he woke up quickly gasping-er yelling, scaring the maids enough for them to run out of the room. He grunted as he got up to his knees probably still in a little pain from the fight. Rey couldn't help but look at his toned muscles as he looked around confused.  Turning around, he stood all the way up, and rubbed his wrists. He looked around the room more taking in his surroundings.

Thor found his vest and quickly put it on. He gazed around the room again and noticed Rey who had quickly averted her eyes toward the wall. He put a hand on her shoulder as he looked out the window at Sakaar.

Hulk splashed in the water drawing both the gods' attention to him. Thor lifted his hands, "Are we cool?" He waited and smirked assuming that silence meant yes, "There's a Hulk in the hot tub." He turned around to look toward the window, "So how long have you been like that?"

"Like what?" Hulk asked, confused. Rey was just as confused as he was.

Thor turned back and pointed, "Uh, like this. Big, green, stupid." Rey smacked him upside the head. "Ow!" He mumbled.

Hulk showed his face in the light, "Hulk always Hulk."

He looked beside him out the widow, his hands on his hips, "How'd you get here?"


Thor looked back at his old friend, "You mean cheating? Were they wearing one of these when you won?" He pointed at the disk attached to his neck. "How'd you arrive here?"

Hulk waved his hand in the air and slapped the water surface, "Quinjet."

"Yes... yes, where is the Quinjet now?" Thor asked. Rey looked at him, as if to ask if he really thought it could possibly be that easy.

Hulk stood from his place in the hot tub, "Woah," Thor said and looked at the ceiling.

Rey stood behind Thor and looked at the ground, "Oh my god."

"That's naked-very naked," He chuckled as Hulk walked toward the window, "Th-That's in my brain now."

"Quinjet," Hulk pointed and walked over to his bed where a towel was laying.

Thor quickly walked to the window and found the Quinjet on the ground outside. "Yes, yes! I'm getting us out of here," He looked at Rey and then walked toward where Hulk was. "This terrible, awful place." He started putting on his wrist cuffs, "You would love Asgard, it's big, it's gold-"

"Shiny," Rey cut in leaning against the shelf with her arms crossed.

"Yes, shiny," he agreed pointing at Rey.

Hulk shook his head, "Hulk stay." He bit into his fruit.

Thor stepped up on the lifted part of the room, "No, no, no, no, no," he said quickly, "My people need me to get back to Asgard. We must prevent Ragnarok."

"Ragnarok?" The Hulk mumbled.

"The prophesied death of my home-world the end of days, it's the end of every-" Hulk yawned dramatically. Rey snickered, to which Thor gave her a hurt look, "If you help me get back to Asgard, I can help you get back to Earth."

"Earth hate Hulk!" His voice rose a bit, sadness was evident. Rey uncrossed her arms out of sympathy.

"What?" Thor started, "Earth loves Hulk! They love you, you're one of the Avengers, one of the team, one of our friends! This is what friends do, they support each other." He motion between himself and Rey as an example.

"You're Banner's friend," Hulk stated.

Thor's eyebrows furrowed, "What? I-I'm not Banner's friend. I prefer you!"

Hulk insisted, "Banner's friend!"

Thor's voice went up a few octaves, "I don't even like Banner! 'I-I'm into numbers, and science, and stuff!'" He mocked poking his fingers in the air as if there were some sort of calculator there.

"Thor and girl go... Hulk stay," the champion said.

Thor sighed, "Stay here... Stupid place. It's hideous, by the way, the red and the white? Just pick a color, ridiculous!" He turned around and started walking toward the door.

"Smash you!" Hulk declared.

"You didn't smash anything!" Thor looked back at his old friend, "We," he pointed at Rey and himself, "We won that fight."

"I smashed you," Hulk argued. Rey crossed her arms again and glared at Hulk.

"Yeah, sure, sure," Thor said sarcastically and walked more toward the entranceway.

"Baby arms!"


"Baby arms!" He threw his fruit at Thor. Rey snickered at how defensive Thor got over that, not that she really blamed him, he definitely did not have baby arms. She just found it funny to watch.

"Moron! Big child!" Thor retaliated and kept walking.

"Thor go!" Hulk demanded.

"I am going! Aren't you coming?" He asked the last part softer than his outburst at Hulk and he pointed at Rey.

She made a move to follow him and he turned again to walk out. But instead he was electrocuted by an invisible door keeping the two Asgardians in.  He fell on the ground unconscious.

Hulk chuckled, "Thor, go again!" He laughed some more, "Thor home."

Rey burst out in a fit of laughter at the whole event. She had been trying not to laugh at half of their interaction but Thor getting electrocuted was just the icing on the cake. Not that she enjoyed seeing him hurt, she just thought it was funny how his arrogance has to be put in check by being electrocuted.

"Girl home too," Hulk said after he was done laughing.

She stopped laughing because that's when it hit her, they most likely weren't getting out of there.



Rey is a woman of very few words.

I feel like she's quite relatable in the sense of "I'm not good at human interaction."

Also it's not easy writing a movie as close as I can with adding a character. Which is most of the reason Rey doesn't talk all that much...

I might update this again today just Cos I'm bored.

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