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In the ship, Rey fiddled with her sword. Hearing the call caused her anxiety to skyrocket. Bouncing a few times on her toes she shook out her hands and held it out to Valkyrie. She didn't need it... not anymore. Valkyrie took her eyes off the gun she was setting up. "What's this?" she asked.

"I want you to have it. Two blades is more efficient than one," Rey explained briefly.

"What about you?"

Shrugging, Rey adjusted the cape on her shoulders, "I have something else in mind."


Back at the castle, Thor watched from the throne as Hela made her way through the large corridor. "Sister," He said in a low, cold tone.

"You're still alive," her booming voice, blunt and laced with anger.

"I love what you've done with the place," he smirked sarcastically. Looking up at the painted ceiling, he continued, "Redecorating, I see."

Hela shrugged, "It seems our father's solution to every problem, is to cover it up."

Thor tilted his head, "Or to cast it out." Her small, evil smile was then wiped off her pail face, while Thor continued, "He told you you were worthy. He said the same to me."

"You see..." she shook her head slowly, "You never knew him. Not at his best. Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears." She gestured to the throne, "Where do you think all this gold came from?" Thor blinked emotionlessly at the rhetorical question, "...and then, Odin decided to be a benevolent king. To foster peace, to save love. To have you," Hela's voice was poisoned with disgust.

Thor gave her a small nod, "I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just...the worst."

Now she was angry. Hela rose her hands up and around her head, as if to run them through her hair, a large headdress sprouting out of nowhere. "Okay, get up," she demanded. "You're in my seat."

Thor stood from his place, "You know, father once told me a wise king never seeks out war..."

Hela generated twin black blades, "But must always be ready for it."

They ran at each other. Hela slashes her blades at Thor several times, him blocking most of them with his father's staff. She slashed from above. He rose Gungnir horizontally stopping her blades from hitting him. She glared at him, "To be honest, I expected more."

They fought some more, until Hela disarmed him. Throwing Gungnir across the room, clattering on the ground. She kicked his chest, sending him flying into the wall.

He gets up a quick as possible, but before he could do anything she had him pinned against the wall. "Here's the difference between you and I," she started, "I'm Odin's first born. The rightful heir, the savior of Asgard. And you're nothing." Hela projected a large spiked lance toward Thor. He moved just barely before it stuck into the wall behind him.

He head butted her. She smirked, unfazed, and did the same to him, knocking him down to his knees. "It's so simple even a blind man could see it," she raked her weapon upward. Slashing it across his face, taking his right eye out in the process. He grimaced, "Now you remind me of dad."


Looking out the windshield, Rey spotted all of Asgard led by Heimdall on the Bifrost Bridge. They were surrounded... on one side was an army of green skeleton soldiers, and on the other a very large black wolf.

Valkyrie, now in her old white armor, was using the large gun to shoot at the wolf. "The stupid dog won't die!" She yelled over sounds of the gun and wind.

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