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They all walked into a room where there were people dancing and socializing. Grandmaster stood behind a turn table and started pressing buttons, "My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"

Thor looked away from the Grandmaster, "We're not friends, and I don't give a shit about your games! I'm going back to Asgard!" Rey looked at the prince, impressed by his determination.

Grandmaster had his fingers pressing against his ear and he was spinning a record, "Ass-gard? One, two, three, four." An awful excuse for music started blaring through the speakers.

Thor looked around and noticed something-or rather someone-he thought he would never see again. "Loki?" He smiled, "Loki! Loki, over here!" He nodded his head toward his direction after getting his brother's attention. Rey recognized the man clad in green almost as immediately as she did with Thor.

Loki walked over to Thor and shushed him, "You're alive?" He whispered.

"What? Yes of course I'm alive. I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair?" The older one asked.

"I didn't get a chair."

"Well, get me out of this one."

"I can't."

"Get me out."

"I can't," They were bickering back and forth at a whisper.

They were interrupted by a intrigued Grandmaster, "What are you whispering about?" Thor and Loki looked at the ruler, "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world I would be millions of years old but here on Sakaar..." he stopped himself before saying too much. Rey grimaced in disgust, "In any case, you know this, ah, this, ah, you call yourself the 'Lord of Thunder?'"

"Uhh, God of Thunder, tell him," Thor answered and looked at his brother expectantly.

Loki shook his head and lied, "I've never met this man in my life!"

Thor laughed, "He's my brother!"

"Adopted," the younger one defended himself, obviously embarrassed by his older brother. Rey rolled her eyes.

"Is he any kind of a fighter?" Grandmaster asked Loki.

Thor laughed amused that the old man would think he wasn't, "Take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you!"

The Grandmaster straightened his collar and mumbled, "Oh, listen to that, he's threatening me!" Then retorted, "Hey sparkles, here's the deal. You want to get back to ass-uhh-place, ass-berg."

"Asgard!" Rey snapped annoyed by the leader's arrogance. Her tone was still however soft, as it was just her voice. She caught the attention of the two princes and the Grandmaster standing next to her.

"Yeah, right," he pointed at the girl, "Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win."

Thor gritted his teeth, "Fine, then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!"

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