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Hulk walked out with his weapons and fully geared, "Hulk train." He informed his opponents.

Rey nodded, she was sitting on the couch, knees up to her chest, while Thor was staring out the window.

"Hey, big guy!" 142 greeted her green friend.

"Hey big girl"

"What have you been up to?" She asked.


Thor scoffed, "He didn't win."

Rey chuckled, "Tell me about it." The two just sat in silence, not really sure what to say. But that didn't last long, since Rey had to break the ice, "So... Odin's dead?"

"How did you?" He trailed off.

"It just came to me. I saw him on a cliff, figured that if he really wanted to contact me, he would've done so a long time ago. And since you're here and I'm just now seeing him," she trailed off and continued, "I won't stop seeing it until it's confirmed to me whether he's dead or not. Or..." she trailed off.

Thor's eyebrows furrowed as he turned around, "You can see the dead?" He remembered her and Korg's banter about seeing the dead but he never really got to ask.

"It's a curse," she said very bluntly.

"Woah, What can't you do?" He asked chuckling a little.

She shrugged, "Get out of this hellhole apparently."

He nodded and turned back around, "Y'know, you get really quiet when other people are around."

"I'm just not one for interaction, I was trained as a weapon not a conversationalist," She was looking in the direction he was, trying to find what was so interesting.

He watched as more stuff fell through wormholes remembering how he was one of those lost items. Then smirked, "You seem just fine talking to me."

"You understand though," she stood and walked to the window to stand with him, "You're an Asgardian, away from home. I've been trapped here for three years, going insane. And then you came here and I don't feel so bad because I can see you going insane-"

"Hey!" He put a hand to his chest acting as if he were offended, "I am extremely sane."

She laughed, "I don't mean it in a bad way. You don't act insane, I'm just saying I can see that something is driving you to insanity. I mean, Asgard's in trouble, and I can see how in every passing moment your anticipation keeps building on itself."

He looked down and nodded, "How-How do you dig all of that up?"

"I see things. hear things. It kind of comes with the 'seeing dead people' thing," she briefed.

He nodded, "Makes sense. Yknow I don't mind being one of the only people you talk to though."

Rey's eyebrows furrowed, "How so?"

"I feel like I could tell you anything, and I'd be confident that you'd keep it to yourself. Not that I have many secrets I just meant if I did," He laughed a little nervously. Rey was confused about why he suddenly seemed more vulnerable than arrogant. He rubbed the back of his neck waiting for her response.

She chuckled, "Well, I mean at this point there's really no one to tell anything to anyway."

He looked down with a smiled and shook his head, "I supposed not." He looked at her, "but that was just my more elaborate way of telling you that I trust you."

She smiled and blushed a little under his gaze, "Oh, well, I guess I trust you too." She nudged his side awkwardly. And they stood in silence once again.

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