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Asgard watched from the window of the ship as the only home they've ever known was being engulfed in flames. "The damage is not too bad," Korg started, "As long as the foundations are still strong... we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven... for all peoples and aliens of the universe-"

Surtur thrust his blade into the center on Asgard, the whole planet exploding into bits and pieces. Hela along with it. "Nope. Those foundations are gone. Sorry."

"What have I done?" Thor questioned his decisions. Rey stepped up to the window, slowly taking his hand in the most comforting way she could. His hand was much larger than hers, so she also placed her other hand on the other side of his.

"You saved us from extinction," one citizen said.

Looking down he lifted his intertwined hand and kissed Rey's fingers, "Asgard is not a place... it's a people."


Thor looked at the patch on his eye, grazing his fingers over it. "You know, you're going to be an amazing king," Rey said softly.

He turned, a small smile appeared on his features at the support from one of the most powerful women he had ever met. The woman he was extremely fond of. The smile suddenly turned into a bit of a mischievous one when he placed his hand on her face. "Maybe... Asgard's eventually going to need a queen too though," He said suggestively. He was mostly joking, but also secretly hoping that someday it wouldn't just be a joke.

She chuckled a bit, her ears heating up, "Eventually..." she placed her hand over his and pressed her lips to his lightly. It only lasted a couple seconds, "One thing at a time."

It was now his turn to blush. He didn't think she would even consider that. He was more or less trying to push her buttons. But he definitely wasn't complaining about the response he did get.

She quickly pecked his lips again and pulled away. Their hands lingered together for a second until she gave him a small reassuring smile and left the room.

He poured a glass of whiskey and continued to stare at the eyepatch. "It suits you," his brother's voice said from behind him.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother," Thor said.


"Thank you," Thor said, taking a sip of the whiskey that he had sitting on a shelf next to him. "If you were here, I might even give you a hug," he said tossing the lid to the whiskey bottle to Loki.

Loki quickly caught the crystal lid and smiled, "I'm here."

Thor smiled and opened his arms welcoming a hug. Loki's facial expression changed multiple times, once to confusion, once to fear, and once to... endearment?

Thor briskly engulfed just brother into a hug. A hug that meant everything to both of them. For Thor it was confirmation, when Loki cautiously hugged him back, but then squeezed a bit, that he finally had his brother back. And for Loki, well, he felt as if he finally had a family.

"Your throne," Valkyrie stood next to the blue seat, Rey on the other side.

The corner of Thor's lips tugged upward as he sat down. He looked up to his left where Rey sported a proud smile, causing his to grow a little more. "So, King of Asgard" Heimdall, who was next to Rey, started, "Where to?"

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions?" He looked around and stopped at Korg who was holding his limp insect friend, "Miek, where are you from?"

Korg looked down to Miek, "Oh, Miek's dead. Yeah, no, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty, I've been carrying him around all day."

A clicking noise filled the awkwardly silent room and Miek's head started moving, "Miek, you're alive! He's alive, guys. What was your question again, bro?" Korg looked back at the king.

"Earth it is."


Epilogue anyone?

I wasn't planning on posting the last two chapters in the same 48 hours, but I literally have no self control, so...

Also Wattpad is dead rn so I decided to update.

I'm so sad that this book has ended. It's the first one that I never once had writers block on.

I'm not sure if I want to continue the story into Infinity War and Endgame which is why I didn't write the end credit scenes.

I believe without the end credit scenes that Ragnarok had a good solid ending.

If you guys would want me to write into Infinite War and Endgame then leave a comment or shoot me a PM.

I have plans for an epilogue if y'all don't want me to write into the other movies which I'm more willing to do because writing characters into movies is probably one of the biggest challenges I have faced as a writer.


Leave comments and suggestions. PM me any ideas or prompts that you want to come to life.

Farewell <3

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