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The door opened to reveal a large stadium with the crowd booing very loudly. The two Asgardian walked slowly out into the arena, looking at the large crowd. The Grandmaster was talking through large speakers. "Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks. And uh-She beats up my guards," He paused, "Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy," The crowd cheered loudly and green smoke bombs where launched into the air.

"Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him." Thor grabbed something from behind his shield. He placed it on his head and snapped the side wings down to reveal a silver and blue helmet. "I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated. He's the reigning...He's the defending," Rey felt like she was gonna start hyperventilating, "...Ladies and gentlemen..." he kept building up the anticipation. "I give you your astonishingly savage, incredible..."

The doors across the stadium burst open as a big green monster in battle armor started roaring. Rey noticed Thor's face light up, "YES!" He yelled with a huge smile on his face. The crowd went silent. "Hey, hey!" He looked up at the Grandmaster's window. Rey glanced at Thor, clearly confused. "We know each other! He's a friend from work! Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead!

"So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer...like, yesterday so that's still pretty fresh. Loki, he's alive! Can you believe it? He's up there. Hey Loki! Look who it is!" He pointed up at the window where Loki was with the Grandmaster. "Ah, Banner, I never thought I'd say this but I-I am happy to see you."

Rey looked at the God, "Uh, Thor?" He looked at her, "He doesn't look so friendly to me."

The god looked at the Hulk, "Banner! Hey, Banner!"

Hulk looked back at the two Asgardians and scowled, "No Banner, only Hulk!"

And, in an instant, Thor's smile was gone, "What are you doing?" He started backing up, "I-it's me, Thor!"

Rey looked worried as the green monster started running toward them. It wasn't helping that Thor was backing up. Hulk jumped in the air, came down, and punched the ground Thor was on. It was lucky that the god was able to dodge the hit. Rey had already backed away from where the Hulk was initially targeting.

The opponent smacked Thor with the hammer in his hand sending him flying back. Thor pulled out a knife and dragged it on the ground to stop him from going any further. He stood up and pulled out two swords. Hulk yelled and banged his two weapons together above his head.

"Banner, we're friends. This is crazy, I don't wanna hurt you!" Thor yelled.

Hulk jumped again and swung his battle ax at Thor only for it to be blocked by the two swords he had pulled out. He swung his hammer, bent the sword, and kicked Thor into the wall. Running toward the wall Thor had stuck onto, he held up his ax and prepared to hit him. Thor grabbed a hold on the hammer that was also stuck in the wall and swung it at the attacker. The damage to the wall was not little. The crowd went silent again.

Rey and Thor met back in the middle. "Thanks for helping," he said sarcastically.

"He hasn't done anything to me yet, I'm not gonna start anything," she said.

They both walked toward the Hulk who was regaining consciousness. He grabbed his ax as Thor started speaking again, "Hey, big guy." He started softly, Rey's eyebrows furrowed and she looked embarrassed to even be on his side of the fight. "Sun's getting real low..." he reached out a hand and softly shushed him, "Thats it, suns going down. I won't hurt you anymore, no one will."

Hulk grabbed Thor by the ankles and started smacking him to the ground. He then threw him at Rey trying to take down both of them at the same time. She regained her composure and got up off the ground as Hulk roared, "Okay, that's it." Rey ran up to the Hulk and jumped to punch his face. She kicked his stomach so he would double over. He quickly recovered and started swinging his ax, only for it to be blocked by one of her wrist cuffs, gasps were heard from the audience. He swung the axe again and she allowed it to hit both her gauntlets, creating a large boom sending both the warriors flying back.

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