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Hulk told Thor the time that 142 usually came to see him. So he knew when to put the plan into action. Rey was inspecting the hole in the wall from the shield thrown at Thor yesterday out of boredom.

The three were all taken out of whatever peace they had left-well, Rey and Thor... Hulk didn't actually give a crap-when the 142 came strutting in and kicked the spear of one of the guards out from under him. She laughed as he stumbled. Jogging into the room, she and Hulk started play fighting.

142 got up from her position, still laughing, "What's going on? What are you-" she looked to her left and spotted Rey. She glared and looked at the shelf holding many types of alcohol where Thor was awkwardly switching around the position of his arms. First it was on the shelf, then down, then almost up again, but he decided to leave them down.

She walked toward the door, "You're so thick headed, that you can't tell when someone is hiding all the way across the universe, and wants to be let alone?"

He started following her, "We need to talk," he said calmly.

"No, you wanna talk to me," she argued.

"I need her to stay," He looked at Hulk.

The green mutant grabbed the headboard of the bed frame and threw it across the room, "Stay!" He demanded, then softer added, "Please."

"Please," Thor pleaded.

She turned around and shrugged, "All right." She walked over to the shelf of drinks, "Here's the deal. I'll listen until," she paused roaming her eyes over the bottles, until choosing one, "this is empty."

She quickly started chugging, "Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there, I need your help-" he stopped looking at the remaining contents of the bottle.

She finished the small amount of liquid and dropped the bottle on the ground, letting it shatter into a million pieces, "Finished, Bye." 142 briskly made her way to the entrance.

Thor looked panicked, he looked at Rey for help. So she quickly butted in and stepped toward the two, "Odin's dead." The blonde said in a soft voice as she stood next to Thor. 142 stopped dead in her tracks. "Hela," she started again, "The Goddess of Death. She's invaded Asgard."

142 softened up a bit and turned around again, "If Hela is back, Asgard's already lost."

"I'm going to stop her," Thor said determination laced in his voice.


"Nope. I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, Rey, and the big guy," he motioned toward Hulk.

"No team, only Hulk!" The 'big guy' exclaimed.

Thor hesitated, "It's, uh, it's me, Rey, and you."

"Looks like it's only you two," she moved to walk away again but Thor cut in front of her.

"Please, listen, the Valkyrie are a legend. Elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne," he said.

"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles," she defended herself. The brunette then motioned to Rey, "And I don't understand why you would either."

Rey looked irritated, "Because... because whether I like it or not I took a vow. No matter what, life or death, I pledged to always defend all of Asgard." She took a step forward, "Now it's dying. And none of us are there to help it because we're too busy here drinking our issues away, fighting our friends, and being electrocuted to get back and fight."

"His sister. Her power comes from Asgard, same as yours, same as his. When it grew beyond Odin's control, she massacred everyone in the palace, and she tried to seize the throne." They all stood in silence and 142 kept talking this time toward Thor, "When she tried to escape her banishment, he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I only survived because..."

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