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"Ah, Yuck! There's still someone's hair and blood all over this. Guys, can you clean up the weapons once you finish your fight? Disgusting slobs," Korg exclaimed, pulling his hand away from a weapon, "Thor...wanna use a big wooden fork?" He held up a long staff with three, sharp-wooden 'prongs' attached to the end. Thor shook his head "no." Korg shrugged and agreed, "Yeah, not really useful unless you're fighting off three vampires that were huddled together." He poked the weapon out in front of him as if the vampires were really there.

The prisoners were browsing through the not-so-wide selection of weapons to fight with. Thor held an oddly shaped sword, "Y'know, I really wish I had my hammer." Rey remembered Mjolnir as she had attended Thor's coronation. However, that was before she was mentored by Odin and realized all of the power within her.

"Hammer?" Korg asked him to continue about Mjolnir.

The god nodded in affirmation, "Quite unique. It was made from this special metal from the heart of a dying star. And when I spun it really, really fast it gave me the ability to fly," he motioned up.

Korg didn't quite understand what the spinning and flying had to do with the hammer, "You rode a hammer?"

"No, I didn't ride the hammer."

"The hammer rode you on your back?"

Thor shook his head, "No. I used to spin it really fast, and it would pull me off the-"

Korg's eyes widened, "Oh. My. God. The hammer pulled you off?" Rey snorted and tried to withhold any other laughs as she noticed Thor didn't find it very funny.

"The ground! It would pull me off the ground, up into the air, and I would fly. And every time I threw it, it would always come back to me," Thor explained slowly and pulled his hand with the sword back as if Mjolnir was returning to him.

Korg finally caught on, "Sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one."

He nodded slowly, "That's a nice way of putting it." He noticed Rey, who was on the other side of the translucent wall, still quietly chuckling from Korg's misunderstanding of flying hammer. "It's not funny!" He exclaimed.

She laughed and held up her hand with her thumb and forefinger about an inch away, "It's a little funny."

"No, it's not!" He laughed after. She gave him a look, "It's a little funny." She smirked, glad that he agreed with her. He turned his head to look at the weapons again, but not before noticing 142, sitting at the bar, drinking. The man pointed at her, "See her? That's the one that put me in here."

Rey looked in the direction he was pointing and nodded, "Yeah, Scrapper 142."

"She's strong," Korg added, "And she drinks a lot.
Gotta watch out for those Asgardians, man. They are hard to perish."

Rey glared at Korg, "Hey!" The rock man shrugged, not about to argue with her because it was true.

Thor turned to the scrapper, "Hey!" She looked at him and held up the gold remote that could zap him, "Hey! Do not zap me with that thing. I just wanna talk." He paused as she stayed silent, "Asgard is in danger." Her arm twisted in just the right way for him to see her tattoo, "My God, you're a Valkyrie. I used to wanna be a Valkyrie when I was younger...until I found out that you were all women. There's nothing wrong with women, of course." 142 got off her chair and walked toward the laser wall, "I love women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more of a respectful appreciation. I think it's great that there is an elite force of women warriors. It's about time." Rey smiled at the man beside her, appreciating the awkwardness he was displaying. It humbled him from his princely persona.

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