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Hulk was back from his training and sitting on his bed quietly. Thor was on the step attempting to pry off his discipline disk and Rey was on the couch studying her cape. Thor kept pulling on the disk and grunted as it pulled the skin on his neck with it. Hulk dangled his feet off his bed, "Thor, sad."

"Shut up," Thor snapped, clearly not wanting to talk.

Rey turned her head to look at the two heroes. She watched Hulk step off his bed and push Thor over, "Thor, sad!"

Thor got up off the ground quickly, "I'm not sad, you idiot! I'm pissed off!" He walked around the room and kicked a large metal tube at the wall, "Angry. I lost my father! I lost my hammer."

Hulk grumbled and threw his arms up, "Whining and crying. Cry like baby!"

"You're not even listening," Thor said at the same time Hulk complained about his 'whining'. He kicked some other objet in the direction of Hulk.

Hulk picked up the object and held it over his head, "Don't kick stuff!" He threw it at the Asgardian. Rey watched as the two went at each other. She didn't want to butt in and get in the middle of it. However, she didn't want them to hurt each other either.

"You're being a really bad friend!" Thor exclaimed angrily.

"You bad friend!" Hulk argued.

"You know what we call you?"


"We call you the stupid Avenger."

"You're tiny Avenger!" Hulk yelled and threw a giant axe head at Thor.

Quickly, Rey stood and flicked her hand sending a wave of molecular force toward the ax head causing it to move before hitting Thor. "Stop!"

They ignored her and kept arguing. Thor looked at the blade, now stuck in the wall, "What, are you crazy!?"

"Yes!" He had a large mace in his hands.

"You know what?" He pointed at Hulk, "Earth does hate you."

Hulk slowly put down the mace and grumbled. He stomped over to his bed and sat on the edge. Rey had an eyebrow raised at the scene in front of her. Thor looked down and then to her. Neither of them said anything. Instead, she tilted her head in the Hulk's direction. Thor sighed and slowly walked to sit next to Hulk, "I'm sorry I said those things. You're not the stupid Avenger. Nobody calls you the stupid Avenger."

Hulk tried to act angry and look away but accepted the god's apology, "It's OK."

"You just can't go around throwing shields at people. Could have killed me," he looked at Rey and winked, silently thanking her. She gave him a soft smile in return.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just get so angry all the time," Hulk apologized as well, "Hulk always, always angry."

Thor has his arms crossed, "I know. We're the same, you and I." Rey furrowed her eyebrows, interested to see where he was going with this. "We're just a couple of hot headed fools," he looked at the girl like he was apologizing to her to, even though she told him not to.

Hulk nodded, "Yeah, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water."

"We're kind of both like fire."

"But Hulk like real fire. Hulk like raging fire. Thor like smoldering fire," Hulk looked at Rey and pointed to her, "Girl like water." A small smile grew on Thor's face.

She let out a small laugh, and lifted her hand letting flames dance around her fingers. It was one of her abilities, an ability she refused to use but this was a good excuse. Who knew the one who was truly fire would be water? Metaphorically speaking. The two men were shocked, but at the same time, didn't expect anything less. She was one of the most powerful beings either of them had met, an extended amount of abilities went along with it.

Thor looked at his friend, "Hulk, I need you to do something for me."

Hulk nodded and allowed Thor to explain their plan for escaping. Agreeing to help made Hulk a little happy. He was glad that he could help his friends. Hulk was ready to put the plan in action, sadly they had to wait until morning for it to all go down.

Later Hulk decided to attempt sleep. Not that anyone slept in Sakaar but Hulk just did so out of pure boredom. Rey was still on the couch except this time she was laying on her back staring at the ceiling. Thor was across from her on the other sofa, "So... Fire?" He asked.

"Y'know whenever someone thinks of war they think of fire. So what would a Goddess of war be without hellfire?" She said.

His eyebrows furrowed, "Do you have any weakness?"

She smiled and looked at him, "I do, but..."


"...but, it's definitely something useful too. For others at least," she briefed sitting up from her previous position, "The whole talking to dead people thing. There's... voices. I've learned to block them out but eventually they can get to me. They're like worms eating away at my brain."

"So, you're constantly in pain?"

"I guess that's a way of putting it. I just can't use my other abilities to much at the same time because then that's less time focusing on blocking out the voices and more time being in pain," she added. She walked to the window and looked at the dark sky with large glowing, doorways in it. "I sound crazy saying it like that."

He shrugged and stood next to her at the window, "We're all crazy. Did you not just watch one of my friends almost murder me?"

She laughed quietly and looked down at her hand letting a flame heat up, "Yeah, you two are idiots. But the good kind."

"The good kind? Is there a good kind?" Thor chuckled, staring at the now blue flame in her hand.

"You. I just said that," she said, completely serious. She closed her fingers on the miniature inferno allowing it to disappear.

He looked back at her face and changed the subject, "Do you think this plan'll work?"

Rey nodded, looking at the Quinjet which was barely visible due to the lack of light, "I have faith. You're smart, Thor. Not just anyone can get this far."

Thor smirked still gazing at her. Noticing how when the barely there light hits in just the right place, her eyes are a bright blue. He straightened his back a bit and crossed his arms over his chest, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"No, you could've..." she shook her head, correcting him.

"I wouldn't have," He added.

"But you would've had to because Asgard's in danger, you know," she argued.

He rolled his eyes, "Okay, I would've had to. I wouldn't have wanted to."

She quieted her voice a little, "Now that is a matter of opinion, so I'll end the argument there."

The prince smiled triumphantly and chuckled. He looked back out at the view of Sakaar and awkwardly debated whether to put an arm around her or not. Lifting his arm slightly then lowering it thinking better of it. Rey noticed this and mentally laughed. Without even thinking, she leaned her head on his shoulder. Thor took this as an 'okay' and rested his arm around her shoulders. And for once-and quiet possibly the only time ever-it was peaceful.


Please call me out if it's too cheesy for you so I can edit things the right way.

But anyway...

Woooo even more cringeworthy, cheesy, cliche, romantic stuff that I'm cringing at cos it's my writing but if it were anyone else's I'd be crying and commenting "Oml Wow I wish I was her but I ship it."

Yay self deprecation

[Me editing] I'm not even finished publishing it and I already have plans of rewriting it.

I'm gonna go now

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