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"Oh no, this-this is bad. This is really bad," he put a hand to his chest, "Thor, I think I'm freaking out." Banner said holding the clothing that was just given to him by the girl.

"No. No. No, don't freak out, you're okay. Put those on," he said laying a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"These are Tony's clothes," he said dazed.

Thor nodded, "I know, come on."

"Is he here?"

"No he's not here, just listen, and stay calm, okay? Sun's going down. Sun's getting really low. Sun's going down," Thor said, a little freaked out himself.

Rey was outside the jet but stayed down low. She spotted a few guards around the premises of the aircraft, and cursed under her breath. Stepping back in, seeing that Banner was already dressed she pushed more, "We really need to move."

Thor nodded and led Banner out into Sakaar. The three made their way into the city with Thor constantly trying to calm his friend. Rey was a few feet ahead of the two, trying to find a place where Banner can just sit and calm himself for a minute. She stopped in front of a red doorway and let Banner sit, "Oh, Shoot," He pressed his fingers to his temples.

Thor continued in his attempts of calming Banner, "Sun's getting real low."

"Would you stop saying that?" Banner said, irritated.

"I just need you to stay calm," Thor held his hand still on Banner's shoulder.

"Calm? I'm on an alien planet!"

"It's just a planet, you've been on a planet before."

"Yeah, one!"

The two had hushed voices, "It'll be okay, uh, Banner?" Rey said a little awkwardly.

"And I still don't know who you are," he pointed at the girl with a shaky finger.

She huffed, "I'm a friend. My name is Rey."

"Bruce," he said, more calm now that he knew who he was with.

She cocked her head to the side, "So why are you called Banner?"

"Midgardians have surnames as well, and often prefer to be referred to as there surname. Kind of odd, because my friends would never refer to me as 'Odinson' or to you as... whatever your surname is," Thor rambled.

Rey blinked a couple times, still confused, but more concerned for the mortal who was breathing so heavily she thought he would explode from taking in too much air. She placed a hand on Bruce's other shoulder and gestures toward him.

Thor gaped his mouth in realization and turned back to his friend. "See? You'll be okay! You know who Rey is and, well, now you've been on two planets. That's a good thing. It's a new experience."

Bruce put his head in his hands, "My-my neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information. The whole thing is totally different this time. I mean in the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel. But this time it felt like he had the keys to the car and I was locked in the trunk." Rey squeezes his shoulder in comfort. She sort of knew what it was like not being in control.

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