Chapter 37: Witness

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~Jc's POV~

it's all in your head Jc. i don't believe everything that just happened was all true. think about it, you have been having terrible dreams and hallucinations. ever since the 4th of July, i've been on edge a little bit.

Hailey was back. but she wasn't "back". she's not mine anymore. she's with that stupid brunette guy. worst part is he's living with her. HE'S IN HER HOUSE. that's so odd to me, i mean she barley even knows him and he's already living with her. ew.

my feelings for Hailey will never change. she'll always remain in my heart. i know that's cheesy as hell, but i don't care.

we were finally off tour, and we all seated in Hailey's house, trying to catch up. but Lia was here, so good luck with that. and he was here too, god i didn't even know who he is and i'm alreay judging him. what is wrong with me?

Connor stood up and sat next to me. "you alright?" he asked.

"i don't want to be here, why am i here?" i groaned.

"becuase you missed my sister, and we're all catching up" Connor smiled.

"not while he's here" i grunted.

"you don't even know him, give him a chance" Connor smiled, as he patted my back.

no. no way.

i watched Hailey with fasination, her smile. her laugh. i missed hearing her laugh. and her smile, god it could cure cancer.

the doorbell rang and Hailey shot up to answer it. no, don't leave. we settled down as she opened the door.

"hi" she greeted.

"can i talk to you outside it's kind of important."

i knew that voice. it was Nathan, Hailey's cop friend. god, what does he want. hopefully to arrest that dude, that stole Hailey from my heart.

"so.... you were jail?" Kian bluntly asked.

"yeah, for about a year. something i didn't do" he shrugged.

"what?" Sam asked.

"i didn't do anything and yet somehow i ended up in jail" he smirked.

god, i hate this guy. he's so smug. i was about to speak up when Nathan and Hailey walked in. "bro, i need to talk to you, ASAP" Nathan nodded to him.

"what's up?"

ooh, is he going to get busted? everyone grab your popcorn and enjoy the show. ;)

"well, we found some new evidence to your case, and i believe a witness is going to step up soon. plus, i overheard people at the station say he's remembering" Nathan smiled.

"r-rmembering? he's remembering. oh my god, Nathan!" he beamed.

Nathan turned to Hailey. "i talked to him you know, he doesn't know much, but it's better than nothing. also..." he started. Nathan leaned into Hailey and whispered something i couldn't make out. damn. he pulled away from her ear, as she stood there.

"oh" she whispered.

"i thought you should know. if you want to talk.... they're at the station. just thought you should know"

"i don't want to speak to them" Hailey nodded.

"well then, that's all i news i have for now. oh, one more thing" Nathan stopped as he was inches away from the door.

"what?" Connor asked.

"Hailey, it wasn't an accident, you know that right? it was on purpose. i think people are behind it, i'll be back soon"

"Nathan!" Hailey screamed a little. She ran over to him and whispered something to him.

"i'll look into it, that's not in my restriction but i'll look into it. " he promised. he leaned in one more time and whispered something to her.

she nodded, before opening the door, and walking Nathan to his cop car. she returned a minute later, and closed the door.

"i gotta go tell my mom, J come with me" she stated. that guy got up and followed her.

"um? what just happened?" Ricky asked.

Diana, him and Hailey walked into the room. Diana nodded before looking at all of us. "i have something to say" 

Hailey and him took a seat before giving their attention to Diana.

"Nathan passed along a message to her, who then passed it along to me. i thought you should all know... Nathan saw Peyton this morning, with a blonde girl. he does not have any evidence but they looked like they were up to something"

"Peyton's back?" Sam asked.

"yes" Hailey muttered.

"Nathan is trying to get ahold of her, and question her about where she's been and what not. Sam, we're trying to figure out why she left, you did not deserve that. Her leaving with your daughter. if i'm correct, she should be born by now" 

"i don't want to speak to her,  not after what she did to me!"

"Sam, just calm down everyhting will be o-" Hailey started, but not before there was a gentle knock on the door. Hailey turned around and proceeded to the door. She opened the door, "oh hello?" she asked confused.

i watched as she walked outside witht he visitor wondering who it was, and what they wanted.


so sorry this is short.

but by the time you're reading this, i'll be in a car on my way to spend a week with my father's side of the family. i'll be gone from today to Saturday (i believe). i don't know if i'll have internet access (maybe some, or a little). i will try my best to update when i can, or at least write parts to the next chapter. but i can't promise anything. if i don't update anything, i hope all of you have a great week :)

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