10-Hold Me Tight Or Don't

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 Cause I'm past the limits
The distance between us
It sharpens me like a knife

"Beautiful." He whispered, the wind blowing all around the boy. His hair, which was longer than what it usually was, blew all around his eyes. It was almost unbearable, but everything was worth it.

He held a pistol in his hands, fiddling around with the metal. He had four bullets in his left hand, slowly awaiting to put them into the gun. He heard yelling from behind him, multiple people called out his name.

But there was one person in particular that called his name only four times. And everytime they called his name, another bullet would be inserted into the pistol.

After ten minutes of this, the boy with the longer than average hair decided to come out of his hiding. He hid the pistol securely in his jeans, making sure to turn the safety on.

He walked down the hill from which he was on, seeing small silhouettes of the people he called his friends.

The ghost of a smile was found upon his face.

For maybe, just maybe, things would work out best for this boy.

But you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending.

As the boy walked down the hill, he felt a great sense of dread overcome him. He walked closer and closer to his friends, seeing their smiling faces coming closer and closer.

But behind those smiling people were the people who hated the boy more than anything. They hated his existence, the way he lives his life, how he acts, everything they could possible think of.

The boy took the gun out of his jeans and took the safety off. He slowly came to a stop, only one hundred feet away from the group of people. He could see four people clearly out of the group that hated him.

The boy lifted the gun, his right hand index finger finding its way into the trigger. And he pulled the trigger to each of those four people.

A worthless father.


A best friend of many years.


A woman with a deranged smile.


And a young boy with ambitions.



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