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Twelve deaths reported within a three month time period. All names will be posted here, use at your discretion.

~Erwin Smith

#1 Sasha Braus-Springer

#2 Connie Springer

#3 Dina Fritz-Jaeger

#4 Zeke Jaeger

#5 Marlow Frudenburg

#6 Hitch Dreyse

#7 Nile Dok

#8 Eren Kruger

#9 Ilse Langnar

#10 Moblit Berner

#11 Oulo Bozoda

#12 Dita Ness

Any further information shall be handed out individually. Please contact me [Erwin Smith] or Eren Jaeger or Levi Ackerman.

**authors note:
I published this chapter from my computer a few weeks ago and it says it wasn't published on my phone. Doesn't matter, double update

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