Twelve deaths reported within a three month time period. All names will be posted here, use at your discretion.
~Erwin Smith
#1 Sasha Braus-Springer
#2 Connie Springer
#3 Dina Fritz-Jaeger
#4 Zeke Jaeger
#5 Marlow Frudenburg
#6 Hitch Dreyse
#7 Nile Dok
#8 Eren Kruger
#9 Ilse Langnar
#10 Moblit Berner
#11 Oulo Bozoda
#12 Dita Ness
Any further information shall be handed out individually. Please contact me [Erwin Smith] or Eren Jaeger or Levi Ackerman.
**authors note:
I published this chapter from my computer a few weeks ago and it says it wasn't published on my phone. Doesn't matter, double update
Detection */\Ereri/Riren/\*
Fanfiction"I know what I had done was wrong, but the thrill of it all kept me going. It's like smoking, the nicotine makes you want another smoke. You know you shouldn't do it, but it helps take away the pain of the real world. The adrenaline you get makes...