Chapter 1- The Perfect Prom

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Story Summary: Count Olaf is captured at Lucky Smells Lumbermill. The Baudelaires are sent to Prufrock Preparatory School, where they meet the Quagmires. Instead of having only a vice principal, Prufrock Prep now has a principal and vice principal. His name is Principal Peter. He was nice enough to let the Baudelaires and Quagmires stay in Prufrock's penthouse together. Their lives changed for the better, especially since they were together and the annual Prufrock Prom was coming up.


Violet's POV

"Violet wake up", I heard a female voice yell at me. It was Isadora. "What", I said rolling around my bed. "We're gonna be late", she continued yelling.

I got up quickly and started getting ready. I showered, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and put on my uniform in under 10 minutes. I put on lipgloss as me and Isadora walked out of the penthouse not bothering to wake the boys up. Today was the prom, and I wanted to finish the day fast so I could party. Unfortunately nobody asked me to the prom, so my date was Isadora since nobody asked her either.

Me and Isadora walked into our first class, where Duncan and Klaus were already there.

"What are you guys doing here", I asked with a surprised look, "we thought you guys were still sleeping".

"Well you thought wrong", Duncan said looking at me. I punched him slightly while I laughed. "Well I'm glad you're both awake", I said smiling, "now shhh Mr. Remora's here".

While Mr. Remora talked about his boring life, I did nothing but think about Duncan. Did he have a date to the prom? Will he even be there? I don't know why I cared so much.

Isadora's POV

I couldn't wait to get out of Mr. Remora's class. We all didn't care about his life, but something caught my eye. Violet wasn't listening to Mr. Remora's lessons. Even though nobody cared, Violet was a good girl, and she always listened what was she thinking?

After class, I approached her fast. "Are you okay", I asked sympathetically, "you were day-dreaming during class".

"Umm nothing's wrong", she said with a fake smile, "I just got bored".

"Violet, I know you", I started saying, "you'd always listen to Mr. Remora even though he was boring, and I also know when something's bothering you. So stop trying to hide it and tell me what's wrong you miscreant"!

She gave me a small push as we walked. "Okay okay", she said as we walked towards a bench to sit. "I just had a feeling", she said right after we sat down".

"Ughhh what kind of feeling", I asked annoyed. "Well ummm", she started to say, "I was just wondering if..." she paused briefly, "if Duncan had a date to the prom?"

I dropped my jaw, not saying anything. Then I finally yelled, "YOU LIKE DUNCAN!" She put her hand over my mouth and squeezed tightly, hurting my lips. "Shut up", she yelled slightly with her hand still on my mouth, "yes I do, and your lucky nobody's here".

She let go of my mouth, jerking my head back a little bit.

"WAIT WHAT", I yelled again. She quickly shut me up. "Are you thinking about asking him to the prom?", I asked without yelling this time.

"Umm no", she said sadly. "Why!" I said almost yelling again. "Umm it's traditional for a guy to ask the girl to the prom and plus he probably doesn't even like me".

I paused briefly. I knew that Duncan also liked Violet, but I didn't think it was my right to tell her that he liked her.

"You're right", I said trying to make it sound like she was right, " but hey, the school day's not over yet. Maybe someone will ask you before the prom or ask to dance during the prom. You never know".

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