Chapter 9- The Fortunate Fight Part 2

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Isadora's POV

The rest of the day was filled with a lot of sadness. I didn't let my students do anything today because what's the point? I was the only teacher that got a Needs improvement on my teacher evaluation, and the only way to make up for it was to grade all my tests again. This was the worst day ever.

When the bell rang, I quickly dismissed my students and started grading the tests. I had over a hundred papers to grade, and I know I had to get everything in by tomorrow. I had to finish everything today.

As I graded the tests, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in", I said with tiredness. The door opened, and I found Talia sticking her head through it.

"You okay?", she said walking in and putting her bags on one of the desks.

"Yeah", I said grading more papers, "I'm just exhausted".

"I know", she said walking closer to my desk, "and I think I know why." I put head up and stood my face over to Talia. "What do you mean", I asked confusingly.

"It's Klaus", she said moving even closer to my desk, "you're mixing your love for him with your school work."

"No I'm not", I said lying straight to her face. She raised her eyebrow at me, indicating that she knew I was lying.

"Oh my god I am", I said gasping.

Talia let out a small chuckle at my reaction. "You need to learn how to balance your work life with your love life. You can never do both at the same time."

My face became a blank expression. How could I do that?

"So here's how you do that", she said noticing my face, "whatever happens at work, you leave it here. Whatever happens with Klaus, you leave it with him. Got it?"

"I think I do", I said thinking, "but what about these damn tests", I said slightly yelling.

"Try and finish them here", she said walking over to her bags, "I have faith in you".

She grabbed all her bags and started making her way towards the door. "See ya", she said walking out. I gave her a small smile before she was completely out of my sight.

I continued to grade my papers, one by one. The stack of tests began to shrink slowly, and I felt a sense of relief.

As time went by, I started to get more and more tired. I yawned every 5 minutes, and I was falling asleep fast. I decided to close my eyes for a minute, but the second that happened, I fell asleep.

Klaus's POV

"Beef Ravioli, chicken soup, pork stew", I read to myself.

I had no idea what to cook Isadora. She has been working so hard, and I wanted to give her something special.

As I continued to look for something to cook, my eyes simply turned to look at the flowers I got her after work. I admired them for a bit because they were beautiful, just like her.

I resumed looking for something to cook, knowing she'll be home soon. I flipped through more pages, finding one thing that I might be able to cook and that she might like: chicken stir fry.

I went to the fridge to check if I had the right ingredients. "Oyster sauce, carrots, celery, onion garlic", I said to myself. I had everything I needed, so I took everything out and put it on the counter next to the stove. Time to make dinner for my love!

Before I started cooking, I looked at the clock to measure out the time I have to cook to when Isadora came home.

"6:30pm", I whispered to myself. Isadora was gonna be home at 7, so I had enough time.

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