Chapter 13- The Menacing Mushroom Part 2

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Fiona's POV

I woke up in a place that seemed unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time. "Where am I?", I said to myself. I winced at my aching head as I got up from the very uncomfortable bed I was sleeping on.

As I got up, I heard an echo of tap shoes outside. I stood where I was, afraid of who I might see from behind those doors.

It was Carmelita Spats. Someone who I thought died a few years ago, is alive again.

"The cafesniffer is finally awake", she said in her usual squeaky voice.

"Carmelita", I said in a shady voice, "I see you haven't changed a bit. Even after all these years."

"I see you're still wearing those silly cakesniffing glasses", she said with a squeaky laugh. I started to make my way closer to her.

"What happened to you Carmelita?", I said, "I heard that you died at the Hotel Denouement Fire."

"Well apparently you heard wrong!", she said stomping her tap shoes, "why else would I be here in this dusty old submarine and talking to cakesniffers like you!"

I could feel the air from her tutu move past legs as she dawdled around with every word she said.

"Now let's go fish legs! There are some people who want to see you", she said with an evil laughter that pierced my ears.

I made my way onto the bridge where I saw an older, but familiar face staring at me as I walked up the stairs.

"Ahh look who's awake", the tall lady said in her British accent, "I suppose you remember who I am?"

"You're Esme Squalor", I said slightly walking back, "the city's 7th most important financial advisor right?"

"6th!", she yelled right into my ear.

"I thought you also died in the Hotel Denouement Fire", I said now walking towards her.

"Ughh", she said with her disgusted face, "sweetie did you not tell her the story like I told you to?", she said gesturing to Carmelita.

"But that story's so boring!", Carmelita whined as she tapped dance past me towards Esme. "HOW IS A BUILDING ALMOST FALLING ON TOP OF US BORING!?", Esme yelled once again.

She calmed herself and cleared her throat before talking again, "sweetie can you please go to your room while I scold triangle eyes here?!", she said facing me.

Carmelita yanked the side of her tutu as she stomped all the way down the stairs. "And make sure to change that dress darling it's not very in!"

I heard a door bang very loudly after what Esme said.

"Ahh where was I? Ahh there you are. I suggest you sit down this story could take a while."

Esme led me to a small table with only one chair in. "Oh sorry the only chairs I have left are black and those aren't very in right now. Black is what's in! So I guess you'll have to stand", she said laughing. My eyes rolled over what she said.

"So ahem", she said before starting the story, "this whole thing began with me and my daughter trying to get the sugar bowl. Oh what a bad beginning this is."

"So me and my daughter were trying to retrieve the sugar bowl in laundry room-

"Wait did you get it?", I interrupted her.

"NO!", she yelled very loudly. She quickly calmed herself and continued on with her story.

"So, when we got on the elevator, it was completely filled with panicking people. Me and my daughter made our way into it. It ended up going to the lobby, where everyone rushed out the elevator. We were like fish swimming upstream as we tried to get back into the elevator."

"But by then the elevator had closed and was practically collapsing because of the fire. The poor little thing! Anyways the stream of people led us outside where we can see the whole hotel on fire. I never got the sugar bowl, and it's all because of Olaf and those pesky orphans!"

"Klaus", I said to myself quietly.

"Where's Klaus!?", I asked her loudly. "Who?", she asked very puzzled.

"Klaus! One of those pesky orphans!"

"Oh him?", she said walking closer to me, "oh he died a long time ago. His body's still on that submarine of yours."

"What", I said, paralyzed.

"Do you not understand the words that came out of my mouth little girl he died a long time ago!", she said yelling directly in my face, "hookie take the prisoner back to the brig!"

"Hookie?", I said tearing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure with a black jacket on. "Fernald?", I asked starting to tear even more.

"I'm sorry Fiona", he said using his cooks to grab my arm.

I felt as if everything in my life was falling apart. My home, my brother, my first love. Everything was gone. At this point I didn't care what they did to me.

As I was pushed into the brig by my brother, I felt the submarine shake uncontrollably. "What's that!?", I heard Fernald ask me.

I turned to look outside the window and I saw a creature that looked like a manatee outside the submarines. "It's the Great Unknown."

"Now's the time", Fernald said pulling me back in the direction that we came from. "What are you doing?!", I yelled.

"I'm letting you go come on we don't have much the time!" The submarine continued to shake from the force of the Great Unknown.

"Fernald what's going on?", I asked him. "Fiona I don't have time to explain but just know that I'm only here cause Esme threatened to hurt you!"

At this point we were at the ladder leading to the Queequeg. "Go quickly!", he said shoving me down the ladder. "Wait what about you?! I can't leave you here!", I said crying.

"I have to stay here and disengage from the Queequeg", he said handing me a slip of paper, "here do not open this until you are far away from here! Go Fiona!"

"I love you Fernald!", I yelled before descending back into the Queequeg.

When I got back into the Queequeg, I hurried to the steering wheel to wait for Fernald to disengage. I felt the sub fall a bit, which signaled the separation from the other sub.

I put the Queequeg at full force to get away at fast as I could.

As I looked at the sonar to see the Great Unknown and the other sub disappear, I knew I was safe.

I stopped the Queequeg, and turned off all the lights so I don't get attacked again. I made my into the bunker, where I saw Klaus. His face was pale, and I knew he was gone. I started to cry over his body.

What have I done?


To be continued...

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