Chapter 3- I'm Sorry(Dunclet)

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Story Summary: This one shot is the second part of my other story: How Much You Mean To Me//Dunclet. Feel free to skip through this if you already read it. I just thought it fit well with these oneshots.


Duncan's POV

I watched as you got into the fire truck and drove into the sunset. I cried as you started to disappear. Why didn't I do anything to get you on the ballon? Why couldn't I have thrown one of Hector's books to Esme so you could have time to climb up? Why did you let me go?

Me and Isadora were crying as we watched you guys drove off. Seeing you like this made me say something that I did not have the courage to say to you in person...

I love you.

I thought for a second there that you might have heard me, but you were nothing but a dream now. Me and Isadora fell to our knees with our hands both on our faces. I could tell she loved Klaus as much as l loved Violet. We continued to cry until we fell asleep, our eyes still puffy and red from all the tears we cried.

When we woke up, it was dawn. We were way up in the sky. The only thing we could see was a blue sky with lots of clouds. A man was humming while he steered the balloon. It was Hector.

"Hello there", he said happily. "My name is Hector, and I'll be you and your sister's guardian for now".

"Hello", I said quietly. I was still tired from crying.

"What are your names?", Hector asked. I forgot my name for a second. The only name I could remember was Violet's name. I hope she's okay. "My name is Duncan Quagmire ", I said after a brief pause, "and that's my Sister Isadora", I said as she walked towards us.

"How do you do?", Isadora said half-asleep.

"I'm fine", Hector said with a blank expression on his face. "I feel a little guilt for not saving the Baudelaires." All these thought and feelings just started rushing in on me. I sat down so I could think straight. "Don't worry, I miss them too. They were my children too you know", Hector said trying to cheer us up.

"Do you have anything we can drink?", I heard Isadora ask. "I feel very dehydrated, and I'm sure Duncan does too". We cried a lot, so yeah I was dehydrated.

"I'm sorry I don't have much to drink", Hector said. "A lot of my cranberry juice was spilled out, but I think I still have enough for one gallon full". "Thank you", I said to Hector with a grin on my face. He smiled as he started preparing the juice.

"Are you okay?", I heard Isadora ask me. I walked away from her with a sad look on my face. As long as I'm away from Violet, I'll never be okay. I really miss her. It kills me to think that Count Olaf is still after her. I'd rather be with her and risk getting killed then be safe up in the sky without her.

Isadora was feeling the same way. She loved Klaus. Even though she never admits it, I could tell by the way she stared at him. Klaus also loved her. I wanted that with Violet, but I don't think she loves me. I'll never get to tell her. It haunts me every minute of everyday that I didn't get to tell her.

Hector came with a gallon-sized pitcher of cranberry juice and cups. Me and Isadora ran to him and started drinking like dogs. After about two minutes, that whole pitcher of cranberry juice was empty.

We were out of anything to drink. Being without Violet was already bad enough.

"It looks like we need more supplies", Hector said as we threw our cups away.

I knew living up here would not be easy. Me and Isadora were already having a hard enough time with the Baudelaires being gone. I wish Violet was here. Her inventive mind could have really helped us. I miss the Baudelaires so much.

I'm sorry, Violet. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to save you and your siblings. I'm sorry me and Isadora failed you at Prufrock Prep. I'm sorry you had to go through all this trouble to find us, and then losing us again. But most of all, I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I feel. Maybe if I told that I loved you, you and your siblings might have risked climbing the ladder to be with us. I don't know what will happen to me in the future, with me being up in the sky, but I do know one thing. I will always love you, and as I live up here away from you, my love for you will only grow stronger. If only you knew how much you mean to me, then maybe we could be together. Me and Isadora's love could have saved you, Klaus, and Sunny, but I guess we weren't enough for you guys. If only I could've done more.

I'm sorry, Violet. If only you knew how much you mean to me, then maybe we could've been together...


I'm sorry if this is not what some of you expected. I'm having a little trouble writing, but I will definitely have another chapter by next week. Make sure to check out my other ASOUE story: How Much You Mean To Me// Dunclet. Thanks!!

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