Chapter 5- The Ideal Incident

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Story Summary: The Baudelaires and Quagmires are having a summer party at their mansion. They will be inviting people from Mr. Poe to Justice Strauss to VFD members. Klaus, Isadora, and Duncan are in charge of decorations while Violet and Quigley are in charge of the food. They go out shopping, but what happens when a drunk driver passes through as their shopping comes to an end?


Violet's POV

"And don't forget to get stuff for dessert!", I heard Isadora yell as me and Quigley headed out the door.

"Ok", I quickly yelled as I pushed Quigley our the door. "What was that for", Quigley asked me turning around.

"I didn't want her yelling at me anymore", I said walking, "I don't think she knows that I have a shopping list".

We both laughed as we started making our way onto the trolley to get to the store. We passed Briny Beach, which brought back lots of memories.

"You okay?", Quigley asked me tapping my shoulder. "I'm okay", I said putting on a small smile, "it's just that this is where I found out that my parents died".

"Oh, I'm sorry", Quigley said putting his arm around me. I blushed as I turned around and finding us only inches apart. I was about to close the distance between us, but we were interrupted by the conductor yelling something. I looked around to find that we were at the store.

"We should get off", I said to Quigley still inches apart. "Yeah, we should", he said turning around and walking out of the trolley.

We got off the trolley and entered the store with the shopping list in hand. Me and Quigley walked in together, surprisingly close.

"Hey", Quigley said grabbing a shopping cart. "Hey", I said with another sad face. "I know your still sad over seeing Briny Beach, but just know that I'm here for you, always".

"Thanks", I said with another small smile. He gave me a nod followed by a small smile.

That wasn't the reason why I was sad though. I liked Quigley, but I was positive that he didn't like me back. He never looks at me the way I looked at him on the trolley. I was too scared to ever admit it to him.

We both shopped for everything that we needed in silence. We were headed to the cashier, until he yelled something in my ear.

"Violet, we forgot the dessert!", he yelled laughing. "How could we forget that!", I said laughing too. I quickly ran to the dessert section and picked up three boxes of brownies and one vanilla cake. I ran back to the cashier almost tripping on myself.

We finally got everything we needed, so now I can head back home and lie down with my face on my pillow.

"I never knew you ran so fast", Quigley said to me. "Shut up", I said laughing.

"Quigley, I need to tell you something", I said as we walked back to the trolley station. "What's up?", he said slowing down a bit.

"Uhh", I said walking in front to him. We were now face-to-face. This is the best time to tell him. He's happy and I need to overcome my fear.

"I just want to say, that you're a great guy and you make me so happy", I said smiling really big.

"Aww, you're so sweet", he said chuckling, "you make happy too. Actually I've never been this happy in my life".

I started to blush furious as he was talking. A confident look came upon my face.

"So what I'm trying to say", I started talking as the redness in my cheeks started to fade away, "is that I really li..."

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