Chapter 7- The Delightful Delicacy

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Story Summary: Violet, Duncan, and Quigley are staying at home together with Beatrice and Sunny while Klaus and Isadora are away on a trip. This will be after the video call on Chapter 4- The Grand Getaway.


Violet's POV

I hung up on Isadora and Klaus and put my phone on the counter. Sunny quickly ran over to the counter and started to climb on one of the stools to try and get my phone.

"Sunny what are you doing", I asked walking closer to the counter. "Klaus and Isa", she mumbled walking up to my leg. She's learned a lot over these past few weeks.

"Aww she misses them", Quigley said in a baby voice. I turned and looked at him confusingly at the way he said that. "What", he asked putting his arms up. I chuckled before turning my head to look back at Sunny.

"It's time for bed", I whispered into her ear. She gave me a small smile before running to Quigley.

"Me and Duncan are gonna taste some of the chocolates I ordered from France. You wanna join us?", I asked Quigley.

"I think I'll pass", Quigley said picking up Beatrice, "I'm tired to I'm prolly just gonna sleep too. Can you save me some?"

"Of course", I said smiling at him. He gave me another smile before waking upstairs to put Beatrice and and Sunny to sleep. I sat on a kitchen chair as I waited for Duncan.

"Duncan's in the bathroom", I heard Quigley yell from upstairs, "he'll be down in a bit."

"Ok thanks", I yelled back to Quigley. Since he was in the bathroom, I unpacked the box with other boxes of chocolates. I quickly looked through it to find the one I wanted to try the most.

"Strawberry, caramel, dark", I said quietly to myself. I placed the boxes of chocolate onto the counter, and I continued to find the one I wanted to try.

As more and more boxes went onto the counter, I started to worry. Did they not put the chocolate I wanted?

As I saw the last two boxes, I quickly prayed that one of them was the one I wanted. I picked up the first one, and looked down at the one under it.

"Yes!", I yelled slightly. The blackberry chocolate was here!! I picked up the box and opened it without hesitation to wait for Duncan. I grabbed one from the box and opened it very quickly.

I stared at the chocolate for a couple of seconds until I finally put it in my mouth.

"Mhmm", I moaned softly as I chewed the creamy deliciousness. As I was about to open another piece, I hear a chuckling from the bottom of the stairs. I turned around to find Duncan staring at me eating chocolate.

"I never knew you were capable of eating something that fast", he said chuckling and walking towards me.

"You're such an idiot", I said grabbing a napkin and wiping my mouth.

He started laughing again as we he walked in front of me. "Well if it helps, you look very cute when you eat fast." He put his finger on my lips and wiped some chocolate off my mouth. He then licked his finger with such passion.

"Mmm", he said staring into my eyes. We stared at each other for a couple seconds until he started to close the distance between us.

I pulled away, almost falling off my chair.

"Umm I need to use the bathroom", I said scrambling my words.

"Okay", he said with a sad look on his face. I walked quickly towards the bathroom. I turned to face the mirror. I saw that my cheeks were as red blood. What was up with me?

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