Chapter 11- The Fortunate Fight Part 4

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Story Summary: The final part of The Fortunate Fight.


Klaus's POV

I woke up in a bed that was very unfamiliar. I tried to remember what happened last night, but I just couldn't remember. I was so tired, so I decided to fall back asleep.

As I was about to fall back asleep, my phone beeped. I wiped my eyes gently and checked my. It was a text from my friend from work, but what I put my eyes on the most was my background.

It was a picture of me and Isadora. I started to remember exactly what happened last night.

I decided to put that to the back of my head and continue on with my day. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I walked past Violet and Duncan's room, and I found that their door was open.

I peeked inside, just to check if they were still awake. Before I could look up, I saw what was believed to be Duncan's underwear and Violet's bra on the floor.

I then heard a snore come from the direction of their bed. I closed their door, knowing that they were still sleeping.

I walked to the bathroom with disgust in my face over what I saw.

Just as I was about to enter the bathroom,  I heard my phone ring. I wanted to ignore, but I don't do that. I quickly ran past Violet and Duncan's room and headed into my room.

It was Isadora that was calling me. I hesitated to answer her, but I just pressed the answer button without even thinking.

"Hello?", I heard her voice come from my phone.

"Hey Isadora", I said in a quiet voice. I made my way over to my bed and sat down on it.

"How are you?", she continued talking. "I'm fine, how are you?"

I hesitated, knowing that she'll probably want to meet. "I'm okay", I said after a brief pause, "why are you calling?"

"Can we meet?", she finally said. I paused again to think of what to do. I loved Isadora, but I didn't want to feel like I was being replaced by her work.

"Umm...", I said trying not to leave her hanging, "...sure?"

"Okay", she said a little happily, "meet me at The Parched Parsley at 8. I'll be there soon. Bye!" She hung up before I  could even said anything else.

I put my phone on my bed, and rested my head against the soft pillow. What was I gonna say to her when we meet? What is she gonna say?

I looked up at the clock, and I saw that it was 7:17. I got up from my bed, and headed over to the bathroom to start getting ready.

Isadora's POV

"Talia?", I said into my phone at 7:30 in the morning.

"WHATTT", I heard Talia say in a tired and grumpy voice. "Just letting you know that I'm gonna be seeing Klaus at 8, and depending on how this goes, I might be late to class. Can you cover for me?"

"UGHHHH", I heard her again in her grumpy voice, "FINE!"

"Thanks!", I said happily, "and I'm sorry for waking you up. Bye!" She hung up right away. I giggled a bit because I knew she doesn't like to be interrupted when she sleeps.

I put my phone down, and headed to the bathroom to get ready and meet Klaus.

I finished getting ready, and started to head over to the Parched Parsley. I got there at 7:45am. I waited there until Klaus finally got there at 8:01am.

I saw him walk through the door, wearing what looked like Duncan's clothes. They looked a little tight on him.

I approached him, and stared at him as I got closer.

"Hey", I said finally up to him. "Hey", he replied back. We both stood there in complete silence for a second.

"You wanna get something?", I asked him pointing to the line. "Sure", he said as we walked to the line.

We both got a parsley soda and sat on a table next to the windows.

We sat there in silence as we sipped our parsley soda, trying to ignore the awkwardness between us.

"So how have you been?", I asked him.

"I'm okay", he said taking another sip of his drink, "how bout you?"

"I'm okay", I said looking at him. There was more silence followed by that. For another 30 seconds we just sat there.

"Hey...", "Look...", we both said at the same time. "You first", I said. "Ok", he said sitting up straight and clearing his throat.

"Look I'm sorry for getting mad at you", he said looking into my eyes, "it was selfish of me to think that you love your work more than you love me. I guess I just love you so much that I was afraid of losing you."

I took a moment to process what he said.

"Oh Klaus I love you too", I said scooting closer to him, " and I'm sorry for making you feel this way. I was just so busy with work that I got distracted from the person that I love the most."

He took my hand and put his pulled my closer to him. He parted my hair out of my face and he pressed his soft lips over mine. It was so passionate and I couldn't help but also feel embarrassed cause we were in public.

When we parted, I blushed profusely over the sight of his beautiful brown eyes.

"Let's get out of here", he said squeezing my hand harder.

"Yeah", I said staring into his eyes, "let's".


This is the end of the Fortunate Fight! I'm so sorry that I took so long to update! It's been a really rough 2 months for me. I'm also really sorry if this isn't the ending you guys wanted. I was so busy and I had writers block for most of the two months. Lemme know what you guys think of this and pls comment other ideas for this book!

~Your Author

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