Chapter 8- The Fortunate Fight

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Story Summary: One fight can bring two people closer than they've ever been before. Will have two or three parts.


Klaus's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping on the tree outside our mansion. I looked at the clock, and it was 6:05am. Me and Isadora didn't leave for work until 9am, so we still had a lot of time.

I looked over to Isadora's side of the bed, and saw that she still sleeping, hair messy, mouth open, and full on snoring. I let out a small chuckle before moving closer to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I quickly yawned and stood up to find my glasses on my nightstand. When I found them, I put them on and ran across the hall to where the bathroom was. I needed to pee really bad.

After I peed, I ran downstairs to make some breakfast for Isadora. I got some eggs, bacon, fruit, and coffee to make for her.

I started scrambling the eggs as I read an intro to cooking book.

A few minutes passed, and I finished making everything for my love. I got scrambled eggs and bacon, mixed fruit bowl, and a cup of coffee. I set it neatly on the counter so I could surprise her when she came out.

After I set her food, I heard a door slam from upstairs. "Isadora?", I said facing the stairs. When I didn't hear a reply, I decided to go upstairs and check what's going on.

"Isadora?", I said slightly louder than before.

There was no reply. I started to get worried until I heard a sound from the bathroom. I walked slowly toward it and knocked on the door.

"Isadora?", I said once again while knocking the door.

"You idiot Klaus!", I heard her yell from the bathroom. I was relieved that I got a reply, but was a bit confused on why she called me an idiot.

"What's wrong?", I asked with my face inches away from the door.

I was about to open the door, but she beat me to it. "Why didn't you wake me up!!", she yelled at me tying her hair.

"I told you that I had to be at work early", she yelled again walking back into the our bedroom. I desperately followed her.

"Was I supposed to?", I asked facing the door that she closed on my face.

"Yes you were!! I told u that I had to be there an hour early!! At 8!!", she yelled her voice muffled. She was probably changing.

"You never told me that", I said about to open the door.

"Damn it I must have forgotten to tell you", she said opening the door with a mad face. She slammed the door behind her and ran down the stairs.

"Well, it's 7:45 and I have to be there at 8. Great!!", she said grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"Well I made you breakfast", I said running down the stairs. "I'm sorry Klaus", she said putting her shoes on, "it smells really good but I need to get to work. This could be a huge step for me."

"But I made you eggs", I said pointing to the now cold plate of eggs and bacon.

"I'm sorry", she said standing up and grabbing my hand, "but I promise to eat whatever you cook for dinner", she said moving closer to me.

"That's what you said last night and you still didn't eat", I said kissing her, "you just went to sleep".

"Don't I promise to eat tonight", she said with a wide smile. She gave me a quick kiss before  running out the door and to her car.

Isadora's POV

I really felt bad that I didn't eat the breakfast that Klaus made me. He really cares about me, and he really shows it. I haven't done anything for him. I've been so busy with work, I haven't been giving him the attention that he's given me. What can I do?

I didn't have time to think about that. It was 7:55 and I had to be at work by 8. It was at least 10 minutes away.

10 minutes passed and I arrived at my work, The City University. I ran inside as I looked at my watch. It was 8:04 and I was late to the teacher evaluation meeting.

I ran to the library and arrived there at about 8:07. I opened the door loudly, and to my dismay, I found all the professors staring at me as I sat at the reading table.

"You're late", Talia, my best friend from work whispered to me.

"I'm sorry. Rough morning", I said taking off my bag and putting it on the floor. She gave me small smile before we both turned our heads to look at the dean of the University.

The next half hour or so was was very boring. The dean went on and on about how we all did good with our teaching, except for one of us. He really stressed that part out.

He finally put his presentation to a close as he started calling out the other teachers' names for their evaluation card.

"Professor Dave Danvers, professor Vicky Flores Duncan", the dean went on until it was only me and Talia.

"Professor Isadora Quagmire", he finally yelled my name. I shot up like fireworks and ran towards him. He gave me an envelope with my name. He gave me a stern look as I walked towards my seat.

"And finally Professor Talia Turner", he said behind me. We gave each other a small hug as we passed each other. She u got to my seat, I opened my envelope to find disappointing news.

"Needs improvement?", I asked myself confusingly. I then heard Talia running towards me giggling.

"I got an excellent!", she said running up and jumping on me for a hug. A sad look came upon my face.

"Isa, what's wrong?", she asked me pulling my chin up. I gave her my paper lazily as I put my head down again.

"Needs improvement!!", she yelled pretty loudly, "but you're one of the best teachers here!!"

I put my head up quickly and urged her to be quiet. "I'm gonna talk to the dean after", I said taking my evaluation back, "do you mind taking my bag to your room? I'll pick it up when I'm done."

She gave a reassuring nod as she got my bag and exited the library. "Umm Dean Hawthorne?", I said walking up to him. "Yes Professor?", she asked packing his bag.

"I was just gonna ask about my evaluation. Why do I need to improve?", I asked as if it were a demand. He turned around and stood straight, causing me to back up a bit.

"I've heard complaints from students that you fall asleep while giving a lesson, you slum your words, you give people the wrong grades, etc."

A guilty look was on my face. "I've just been tired lately", I replied. He gave me another stern look. I faced my head down. "What can I do to make it up to you?", I asked sadly.

"Well you can start by regrading all the tests that you've already graded", he said turning back, "you are the best poet in the reading department. I'm sure you won't fail me again. I want all those papers on my desk by tomorrow."

I gave him a sad nod as I ran to Talia's classroom tearing. I really wish Klaus was here right now.


Part two will be coming soon!!

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