Chapter 6- The Magnificent Movie

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Story Summary: It's movie night for the Quagmires and Baudelaires. It just gonna be a normal night for them as friends, or so they thought.


Isadora's POV

"Popcorn, chocolate, candy, and drinks", I read our shopping list out loud. "Yeah", Violet said quietly as she put Sunny and Beatrice to sleep.

"Ok, me and Klaus will get the stuff", I said heading into the kitchen from Sunny and Beatrice's room.

"Don't take too long", Violet said also walking out of the room, "if you guys take more than half an hour then I know what you guys are doing." A big smile came upon my face as I blushed.

"Shut up", I said still smiling. We both laughed laughed as we walked into the kitchen seeing Klaus, Duncan, and Quigley talking. "What are you guys talking about", I asked walking up to them, Violet behind me. They all turned to look at us.

"We're trying to decide which movie to watch", Duncan said looking at Violet. "Hey", I heard her yell behind me, "it's me and Isadora's turn to pick the movie. You guys picked last movie night."

"Ughhh", all three boys groaned. "But it's probably gonna be some chick flick love story", Quigley said rolling around the couch. Sometimes I just wanna flick all three boys in the head.

"Too bad, so sad", I said making a sad face, "come on Klaus you're going shopping with me for the snacks". He rolled his eyes before getting up and heading towards the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Duncan and Quigley smirk over the fact that me and Klaus were going shopping to together. I showed them the middle finger before joining Klaus at the door.

"Violet we're leaving", I yelled almost out of the house, "make sure to pick a good movie". She quickly ran towards the door. "What if you don't like the movie I pick?", she asked me sticking her head out the door. "Don't worry", I said walking a little closer to her, "whatever you pick, I'll like it." She gave me a quick smile before waving goodbye and closing the front door.

Me and Klaus made our way to the trolley station, where we headed into the city to buy snacks.

Klaus's POV

We get off the trolley and head into the store. Me and Isadora head into the store and quickly get everything we need for movie night.

"Which chocolate do you think they'll like", I asked Isadora, "Hershey's Kisses or Dove Chocolate?" She turned to look at me after picking 3 packs of Jolly Rancher rings. "Definitely Hershey's", she said looking at the bags of chocolate. "Ok, I'll get four bags", I said smiling at her.

We both got the all the candy and went to get the popcorn.

"What kind of popcorn?", Isadora asked me smiling. I blushed a little at the sight of her smile. "You want regular, buttered, extra butter, and caramel popcorn?" I paused briefly to think about what kind of popcorn we should get.

"Uhh caramel and buttered", I said stuttering. She gave me a quick smile before getting the popcorn and putting it in our basket.

"Ready to get out of here", she said staring into my eyes. "Uhhh sure", I said smiling at her. We both started walking to the cash register, hands dangerously close. I was about to take her hand until she stopped where she was, eyes wide.

"We forgot drinks!", she yelled slightly. I gave a small chuckle at the sight of her face. "Don't worry", I said calming her down, "I'll go get some." She smiled again laughing as I put my hand on her chin. "Go line up. I'll get some drinks." My hand brushed against her cheek as I ran to get drinks.

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