Chapter 10- The Fortunate Fight Part 3

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Violet's POV

Me and Duncan sat at our dinner table, eating dinner and admiring each other. Our eyes met every time we both looked up from out plates, and I swear his eyes look like two stars that he stole from the night sky.

"How was your day?", he asked me as I continued to stare into his eyes.

"It was okay", I said stressing out 'okay', "it's better now that you're here". He heard what I said, and faced his head back to his plate, blushing with embarrassment.

"So I'm guessing being the only girl in your mechanic class is not going so well", he said standing up and taking both our plates to the sink.

"I didn't say it wasn't going well I just said it's okay", I said looking at him walk away, "but anyways how was your day as a journalist?"

"Horrible", he said washing our plates, "my boss wants me to write a story on the weddings of the city, but that doesn't interest me."

"So marriage is of no interest to you?", I asked chuckling.

"I didn't say that", he said walking over and taking my hands, "I said writing about marriage doesn't interest me."

He pulled me up through my hands and started to kiss me passionately. I did the same thing back to him.

We both stood there and kissed, until we both decided to go up to our bedroom. We quickly ran up the stairs, and into the bedroom we went.

"We really shouldn't be doing this yet", I said climbing into the bed. "I don't care", was his response as he took off his shirt and put himself on top of me.

We started to kiss again, this time with me taking off my shirt.

We continued to undress ourselves, until all of a sudden the door bell rang. I turned my head towards the door of our bedroom, Duncan's lips on my neck.

"I think we should check that", I said as the doorbell rang once more. "Just ignore it", Duncan said with his hot breathe against my neck.

I decided to give in to it, but the doorbell kept on ringing.

"Now I think I should really go check that", I said pushing Duncan next to me. "Fine", he said just laying on the bed.

"Don't worry I'll scare them off for you", I said standing up and grabbing a bath robe, "I'll be back".

I closed the bedroom door, and ran down the stairs putting on my bath robe.

"Coming!", I yelled as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I straightened my hair as I neared the door, hoping the unexpected visitor won't notice what I was doing.

When I reached the door, I opened it to find my little brother with tears in his eyes.

"Klaus?", I asked in disbelief. "Am I interrupting anything?", he asked wiping away some tears.

"No of course not!", I said taking his hand, "come inside."

I closed the front door, and led Klaus into the living room to sit. "Duncan come down here!", I yelled as me and Klaus sat together on the couch.

"Why!", he yelled back like a child and walking down the stairs, "are we gonna do it on the couch again? I mean I'm fine with it but for once I would like to do it on a bed like a normal coup—."

Duncan was cut off by seeing me and Klaus sitting on the couch together.

"Klaus", Duncan said in embarrassment because he was shirtless, "please don't tell me Isadora's here too", he said trying to cover himself with his hands.

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