Chapter 12- The Menacing Mushroom

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Summary: too spoilery


Klaus's POV

It was 11 in the morning and I was still laying in bed with Isadora. She was still sleeping with her head on my chest while I was just laying there, not wanting to awake her. She looked so beautiful when she slept. I wanted it to be like this forever.

As I was drifting back into sleep, I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I felt Isadora's head move around my chest as I reached go check my phone.

"Who is it?", Isadora said yawning.

"It's Fiona", I said confusingly. Isadora turned her head and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Why is Fiona calling you at this time?", Isadora said sitting up on the bed. "I don't know", I said looking at my phone.

"Well are you gonna answer it?", she said moving her hair out of her face. "Oh yeah", I said blushing with embarrassment.

"Hello", I said into my phone. "Klaus I need your help", I heard her say immediately.

"What is it?", I said wiping my eyes. I was worried of what she might say. First it was helping her launch the Queequeg, and then helping her find her glasses. What could she possibly want now?

"I need you to board the Queequeg with me to the Gorgonian Grotto", she said as if that place was normal.

"Why would you want to go to that Grim Grotto again?!", I said slightly yelling.

"I need a sample of the Medusoid Mycelium", she said. My jaw literally dropped over what she said.

"I umm thought you already had samples?", I asked her puzzled. "Fernald accidentally threw them out. He's such a miscreant", she said.

"He can't help you out?", I asked her eagerly. "He has some acting gig with his old theater troupe", she said.

I took a moment to think about what could happen. I could die on this exhibition to the grotto. And I haven't been there in a really long time. "Umm I don't know", I said to Fiona with guilt, "I have bad experience with the Medusoid Mycelium."

"Please Klaus! I really need this for my mycology team. We're trying to find more substitutes to cure the disease!"

I couldn't do this to her. She has been nothing but a good friend to me, even after I chose Isadora over her. This was the least I could do.

"I guess I could go on a another adventure", I said hesitantly. "Great!", she yelled almost breaking my ears, "meet me at the shores of Briny Beach in two hours. See you later!" She hung up immediately after that.

"You're not actually thinking of going?!", Isadora yelled from behind me. "Umm", was all I could say. "What if you die there Klaus?!"

"Hey calm down", I said moving closer to her, "I'm not gonna die. I've encountered the mushroom before, and I know what to do if I get infected. This is something I must do, and me only. I can't risk you getting hurt. I love you, forever and always."

Isadora engulfed me with a kiss so passionate I almost fell down. "I love you too." We continued to kiss for a few moments. "You know I don't have to be at Briny Beach for another two hours." Isadora gave me a seductive look.

We both laughed as we both moved onto the bed with me on top of her, kissing her passionately.

Fiona's POV

"Wasabi, horseradish, glasses, spoons", I said to myself as I searched the Queequeg for what we need. I was expecting Klaus in a couple of minutes, and I wanted to make sure we had everything we need.

When I got everything we needed, I headed outside to the dock at Briny Beach, and to my surprise, I saw Klaus there waiting for me. He looked as cute as ever with his glasses.

"Ahoy mate!", I yelled as I walked along the dock. "Hey!", he said walking up to me and giving me a hug. "How have you been?", he said as we walked into the Queequeg. "Better now that you're here!", I said enthusiastically. There was an awkward silence between us, and he gave me a small smile as we made our way into the Queequeg.

"This place hasn't changed a bit", Klaus said as he looked around. "I know right", I said as I walked to the control panel, "Even though it got destroyed, if you work with the right people, it'll look exactly the same. But it's still the same old dusty submarine to me."

"Well it should be more than that to you", he said sitting on the table, "this is your home." I gave him a small smile as I steered the Queequeg away from the dock. "It is, and I would trade it for the world."

It took us about an hour to get to the ruins of the Anwhistle Aquatics. Good thing The Great Unknown didn't hit us on our way down there.

Me and Klaus got our underwater suits on and made our way towards the grotto. "Hey", I said as we swam there, "I just wanna say thank you again for coming with me. I know it was hard for you to answer especially since your life could be on the line. You're very brave, and you never hesitated when you got on the Queequeg. Remember, 'he who hesitates is lost'."

"Thank you Fiona", he said as we neared the grotto. We both made it to the grotto safely, and we took out our supplies to extract some of the Medusoid Mycelium.

"Got it!", I said putting my samples inside an airtight container. "Same here!", Klaus said. "Now hurry let's go before it spreads more", I said holding his hand.

I started pulling him harder so we don't get infected. "Geez Fiona slow down", he said as we quickly moved back into the water.

I entered the water first, Klaus right behind me. I swam a few feet away hoping that he'll think I've left him. Silly little git I am. But something was up. He didn't come down as fast as I thought he would. I started to worry, and I swam back up to the grotto.

When I got there, Klaus was on the floor.

"Klaus!", I yelled as I got out of the water. He had slipped on some of the Medusoid Mycelium, and he cracked his helmet, allowing the spores of the fungus to spread into his suit.

"Oh no!", I yelled as I got some duct tape from my supply kit. I quickly taped the place where his helmet cracked, and I carried him all the way until the Queequeg.

"Klaus stay with me!", I yelled as I brought him into the bunker of the submarine. He started coughing and wheezing uncontrollably.

"Hang on I'll go get the horseradish!", I said, and I ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

I grabbed the horseradish and tried to make my way back to the bunker, but I was knocked off the ladder, and sent flying where I hit my head on the wall. I had a huge headache, and I passed out from the pain. Something had hit the Queequeg.


To be continued...

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