Chapter 4- The Grand Getaway

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Story Summary: Klaus and Isadora are going on a vacation together. They have been planning this for weeks, and they were so happy that they could finally go. They were also relieved that Count Olaf died from the Meducoid Mycelium and Esme Squalor was in jail. No more unfortunate events! Very slight mature content!


Klaus's POV

"Isadora hurry up we're gonna miss our flight!", I yelled at her from the gate. She was buying gum because she hated it when her ears would clog as we take off.

"Ok I'm coming!", she yelled back. She ran towards me and we quickly got into the first-class line. We finally reached the desk where we could find our seats.

"Hello, how do you do", a flight attendant asked me and Isadora. "We're great", she said cheerfully. She smiled at us before asking us for our boarding tickets.

"Ok Mr. Baudelaire you will be in seat 5A and Ms. Quagmire you'll be in seat 7C", she said smiling at us.

My smile quickly turned into a grin. Me and Isadora weren't sitting together. We gave the flight attendant a quick smile before heading into the plane. We held hands tightly before parting our ways and going to our seats.

"See you after the flight", I told Isadora in front of my seat. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to her seat. This was going to be a rough ride.

Isadora's POV

I got into my seat and waited for take off. When we finally took off, and I quickly chewed my gum so my ears won't get clogged. Hawaii here we come!!

It was about an hour into the flight, and I needed to use the bathroom. I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I stopped for a moment when I saw Klaus sleeping. His mouth was open and he was drooling a bit. He was so cute.

I stared at him for a bit until an angry passenger who needed to use the bathroom was behind me. I quickly took my eyes of him and made my way towards the bathroom.

After 7 hours on a plane, we finally made it to Hawaii. We got off the plane, got our luggages, and got a cab to go to our hotel.

During the cab ride, me and Klaus talked about the flight. "How was your flight?", Klaus asked me holding my hand. "It was good", I said to him with my head on his shoulder, "why didn't you tell me that you snore?"

He gave me an 'oh crap' face and then looked out the window. "What do you mean? I don't snore", he said with his face out the window.

"Oh okay", I said with a chuckle.

"Shut up", he said facing me now. We both bursted into laughter. We laughed so much that we didn't notice that the taxi stopped at our hotel.

Klaus quickly payed the taxi driver and thanked him for the ride. We got our luggages out of the trunk and we headed into our hotel.

"Reservation for Baudelaire, please", Klaus told the lady at the front desk. "Ah you guys are the ones staying in our master suite. Here are your keys and just let us know if you need anything. Aloha!"

"Aloha!", me and Klaus said as we started making our way to our suite.

When we got to our suite, our jaws completely dropped. The place was huge! It looked like all of us could fit in here: Violet, Duncan, Quigley, Sunny, Beatrice, me and Klaus. It was so huge!!

I went directly into the master bedroom to put my luggage inside. I didn't know Klaus was following behind me.

"Looks like we have one bed", he said coming up behind me. I was at the foot of the bed looking at how big it was. "You know what that means", he said kissing my neck.

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