When the Darkness Comes

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(Had to get this idea out of my head before it drove me crazier. Please glance at the tags :3)


The uneven terrain of his father's grape vineyard in southern England made Daiya's feet falter several times as he hurried toward his best friend waiting for him by the bank of the small pond they often met beside. 

When he finally stumbled through the last barrier, a large blackberry bush that was always determined to try and keep out any intruders, he smiled wide at the young man standing by the water. The disapproving look he got in return only drew Daiya's smile wider as he ran over, hopping every few steps so that he could pull thorns from his fancy shoes. 

His best friend, and servant, Fin, was already kneeling down as he came to a stop in front of him, shaking his head in displeasure. 

"How many times have I told you not to go running through the underbrush like that? You are going to destroy another pair of shoes, Daiya. And your mended clothing is now torn in several new places." He chastised as he looked up at a his still-smiling, eleven year old master. 

"Do you enjoy providing extra work for the seamstresses?" Fin asked, standing as he finished removing the thorns from Daiya's clothing. 

He was easily a head or two taller, being seventeen, on the cusp of eighteen. His hair was a dirty blond and his eyes shone with a blue so light that any mistress would dream to have the color for a gown.

"No sir, but I didn't want to take the long way! " Daiya said, running a hand through his own messy dark brown hair, knocking enough leaves out of it to have his mother shaking her head if she were there to see them all raining from his previously-styled faint curls. 

He was growing out of the waves in his hair, and couldn't wait for them to be gone permanently. Unfortunately, his mother was determined to keep them, even going as far as to make his maids curl his hair on occasion.  

Fin massaged his brow as his eyes closed for a moment, then opened on a sigh as he reached forward, straightening his master's spectacles. 

"Don't call me sir. I am your servant, not your master." 

Daiya just grinned and took one of Fin's hands before tugging him into the shallow, cold water of the dirty pond. He knew that he would get in trouble for messing up his shoes even more, but he also knew that his father would not mind it after he apologized and smiled. 

Fin managed to slip his off just before being pulled forward, saving his only pair of ratty servant slippers. 

"Oh, Fin? I saw something earlier that I want to try." Daiya said after hopping around in the water a little, splashing his breaches, as well as Fin's. 

Fin didn't seem too interested in messing about in the water, per usual, but he did tilt his head curiously at what his master had said. 

"What did you wish to try, master?" He asked. 

When Daiya splashed over to him, then gestured for him to lean over, Fin did as told. It was at that moment that he let something happen that would destroy every meager little thing that he had managed to work for over his young life. 

Soft lips barely brushed against his own before Daiya was running off, his ears bright red as he disappeared back into the underbrush from which he'd only recently come. 

Fin remained standing ankle deep in the murky pond water, unable to process what had just occurred. It was there, in that exact same spot, that he was found thirty minutes later by a group of noblemen on horseback. Each was armed with a shotgun or sword, and each weapon was pointed directly at him. 

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