Moonlight Ice

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(These lyrics though... and I'm enjoying writing this a bit more than I should lol) 

"Fin, wait for me!" Daiya shouted as he stumbled through the grand hall of his father's large home, his clumsy feet easily tripping him several times. 

He was about to fall for the third time that morning when a pair of strong arms caught him in an awkward hug, then set him back on his feet with the accompanying sound of a frustrated sigh. 

"Master Daiya, please do not run."  Fin said sternly before releasing Daiya's shoulders. 

Not wanting to make his friend mad, Daiya nodded quickly, though it was clear that Fin's warning had gone in one ear, and straight out the other, for the boy was off again not a minute later...

The feeling of something brushing against his hair had Daiya stirring, rubbing his cheek against the soft pillow it rested on. When the brushing paused, his eyes blinked open, taking a few moments to adjust to the minimal light of early evening coming through the small window. 

Wait... evening? 

Had he really slept part of the day away? 

When Fin's tall frame stepped partially in front of the window, Daiya quickly pushed himself up, letting the blankets pool around his waist. 

"I apologize for falling asleep." 

He was going to say that he hadn't been feeling well, and had still been tired after being at the doctors for several days, but Fin would obviously know such things. He had, after all, been the cause of his health issues. 

"What is it that you came to say?" Fin asked, turning from the window to meet his gaze. 

 Daiya looked down at his lap, then back up, doing his best not to appear nervous, though he knew that if he stood up right then, his legs would likely have trouble holding his weight. 

"Is there a way that I can help you?" 

Fin remained motionless for several seconds before he tilted his head slowly to one side, then returned it to its upright position. 

"You wish to help me, Daiya?" He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly as he spoke. 

Hearing his name on Fin's lips sent a shiver through Daiya's body as he quickly nodded. 

"Yes sir. I know that you have made a deal that has changed you into what you are now... so, is there anything I can do to complete your contract?" He said, surprised by how strong he managed to make his voice sound. 

When Fin walked over to the edge of the bed, Daiya licked his lips and forced himself not to scoot away. 

"So you spoke with the demon doctor and think that you now know enough to change your circumstances?" He asked as he leaned over and grabbed Daiya's chin with one gloved hand. 

"You will die today, Daiya. You can do nothing else. When you refused to leave that day I offered you the chance to walk away, you sealed your fate. When I made my deals, this island became a place all its own. No one can come or go without my permission, god's, or the devil's." 

Daiya swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling far too dry. He felt Fin's thumb press against the skin there as he completed the action, a shiver running down his spine in response. That's when he realized something he'd missed earlier. 

"You are very cold." 

It was common knowledge that the undead had no body heat and were cold to the touch unless they were well fed, but to be felt even through a thick pair of leather gloves? 

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