On Edge

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"Will you stop squirming? You are worse than an angered toddler." Fin grumbled as he tried to press something against Daiya's damaged scalp. 

The injuries he'd sustained from the rainstorm had slowly begun healing, helped along by the amount of food Fin had been bringing him. They were far from perfect, however, and Fin was quite determined to speed up his healing with annoying bandages and medical poultice. 

The scent of the medicine bothered Daiya's nose after days of having it forced upon him. He lifted his hands to try and push Fin's away from his head, where he was trying to apply another glob of medicine before he, no doubt, added another constricting bandage. 

"I swear you were never this problematic to deal with when you got hurt as a child. You would come running to me to get a bandage for a wound that barely even bled." Fin grumbled as he swatted one of Daiya's hands away and began wrapping an uncomfortable length of bandage around his head. 

Daiya growled a little and leaned away, making one of the strips of bandage sag down around his damaged eye. 

It seems like someone got caught out in the rain. What a shame that he was undead during that abrupt storm. 

Fin's attention immediately turned away with Daiya's good eye slowly following to land on a little silver songbird that had come in through the slightly open window. It perched upon the wing chair. 

"You tried to kill him just because I would not let you have him. How benevolent of you, my lord." He hissed, getting an excited chirp from the tiny bird. 

Fin was just about to walk over and snag the little creature, clearly intent on snuffing out its useless life considering the look on his face, but he paused mid-step when another bird flew through the window to join it on the chair. The two creatures hopped about, ruffling their feathers and flitting around on the fabric, seemingly not caring that their lives were in danger. 

Daiya slowly slid from where he had been sitting on the edge of Fin's bed and stood, glad that his balance had been improving, even as he was recuperating from his injuries. His words, however, came and went, and never stayed for long. 

"Do you think that I will consider not killing the birds if you might not be one of them, bitch?" Fin said as he continued his way over to the chair. 

She is not one of them, but by all means, kill them anyways. They are quite noisy. Devil thought to them, drawing a frown to Fin's face but an awkward half-smile to Daiya's. 

We do not need a physical form to bother you, necromancer. Devil said as a large hawk flew through the window, both of its talons easily grabbing the little birds and snaring them against the cushion of the chair with ease. 

It ruffled its feathers and then began pulling apart pieces of the screeching birds, silencing them in seconds as it worked on consuming the dying creatures. 

But it does not hurt to remove any possibilities. Devil said, clearly giving himself away as the larger bird currently making a meal out of the other two smaller ones. It took him little time to make both animals disappear, leaving behind only a few feathers scattered about the chair and floor. 

"What are you doing here, Devil?" Fin asked as he pushed the hawk right off the top of the chair so that he could drop down into it and lean his head back.

I just came to check on my boy. Devil said, having already hopped up onto Fin's bed so that he was standing right beside where Daiya was, making the young zombie slowly turn and look down at him. 

What on Earth have you let that evil wench do to him? Devil hissed into their minds, getting a growl back immediately. 

"That blasted bat I had originally raised to watch over him ran away with him." Fin replied as he turned his head toward them, scowling at Devil as Daiya carefully got himself seated. 

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