To You For You

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(100% this story from the song lmfao!) 

Master, are you enjoying yourself? Kovash asked as he calmly trotted about the wet bog, his paws sinking into the patches of mossy earth beneath them as he moved like a disproportionate equine. 

It had been several days since either of them had seen the necromancer up close, and Kovash was glad for that. Daiya had become more playful and was rarely repeating actions. God had spoken to him previously about how the little ghost was copying Fin's memories, which was understandable, but he knew that it wasn't so simple. If Daiya was strictly bound to repeat what Fin's mind pushed upon him, he would not be hanging onto one of his scraggly wings, bouncing along the moss mounds in the bog as he bobbed the wing up and down carefully. 

I love you, Kovash! Daiya thought to him with a wide smile on his eleven year old face. 

And I you, young master. He replied before slowing and lowering himself enough so that Daiya could easily ascend to his back. He set off a few moments later toward Fin's keep, per Daiya's instruction. He disliked bringing the boy around the necromancer, but he could not deny his master's requests. They remained out of sight for the past several days, just simply checking up on Fin. The man clearly knew that they were around, but to Kovash's knowledge, had not laid eyes upon them since their meeting in the field three days ago. 

When they stepped out of the foliage surrounding the swamp into knee-deep, murky water, Kovash scanned the area before them cautiously. He knew that Fin was secretly happy that he was taking such good care of Daiya's apparition, but the threat he had given him previously still stood. If given the chance, Fin would act on it whether he truly wished to or not. 

I want to hug him. I miss him. Daiya thought to him as he leaned down, hugging his thick, fuzzy neck. 

I understand, master, but he is dangerous. Kovash thought in return as he began skirting the edge of the swamp slowly, allowing Daiya to look about from the safety of his back. 

They remained silent for several long minutes, the sloshing of his paws and folded wings moving through the mucky water the only thing making sound in the chillingly-quiet area. Not a single bird peeped in the trees above, and no other animal made its presence known, so it was no surprise when Kovash noticed the silhouette of a man straightening from the dirty water many meters ahead. 

The next thing he knew, hands that were definitely not that of an eleven year old took a good hold of his scruff as Daiya leaned forward to get a better look. He could sense the young man's excitement through their bond and snorted, not liking the fact that Daiya really was still smitten with Fin, even though he knew that the man was horrible. 

Kovash sneaked a glance behind himself, noting that Daiya had indeed grown again. He now looked to be somewhere in his late teenage years. 

Do not let your heart rule your judgement, master. He warned, taking a few slow steps backward to put more space between the two. Even if Daiya wanted to get closer to Fin, it would not work. Whenever the man was near, Daiya got sucked into one of his memories and was forced to repeatedly hurt himself until he could fight his way out of the darkness that clouded his poor mind. 

When Fin simply watched them, Kovash halted his retreat but bared his needle-like teeth in warning. 

He needs me. Daiya thought as he began sliding from Kovash's back, only to be snapped at by the giant bat creature, making him scramble back up to his previous perch. 

You know what will happen, master. Kovash reminded him as he continued taking steps backward. He wished, more than anything over the time since he had been reborn, that his useless wings would mend and allow him flight. 

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