To Dust

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Daiya refused to let Fin move from his bed the next several days. He might have been alive, but his injury was nothing to scoff at. The local doctor had visited twice, once to tend to the wound and the other time to give him medication to take for a starting fever. Fin had refused to take the bitter pills, but Daiya would have none of his stubbornness. 

Fin bit him twice when he tried to shove the pills down his throat, but Daiya was persistent. He had his own injuries to tend to, and had lost his patience for Fin's complaining quickly. 

"You could at least try to hide it in the food, you brat." Fin said as he sat up in his bed and rubbed at his head, messing up his hair even more than it already was.

Daiya was in the process of gently rubbing medicine into the damaged skin around his eye when Fin spoke. He was sitting at the man's small work desk with his ankle crossed over his opposite knee. Instead of replying, he continued to remain focused on his current endeavor, clearly not feeling the need to respond. 

Fin grunted and stood up, finally drawing Daiya's attention up to him as he began working a bandage around his damaged eye. 

"Give me that. You always wrap them too loosely." Fin said as he walked over, clearly a little unsteady on his feet.

 Daiya scowled and ducked around him to plop down onto the bed and continue wrapping the bandage. Fin turned around, sending him a glare that would have terrified the scariest undead. 

"You do not worry me, Fin." He mumbled as he tied the fabric behind his head, then finally looked up with a cocky half-grin. The damaged side of his face still had trouble with expressions off and on, but it was definitely getting better. 

Before he could process what he was doing, Fin was leaning over him and his back was flat against the soft blankets of their bed. 

"You have definitely changed, Daiya." He growled quietly as Daiya swiped his tongue along his lips, then leaned up on his elbows to steal a kiss.

Fin sat back on Daiya's legs abruptly, wiping at his mouth before his hand was gently grasped and pulled away from his lips. Daiya kissed his knuckles and sighed, his eyes closed as he pressed Fin's hand against his forehead. 

"I'm so happy that you are here." He whispered before pressing another kiss to Fin's palm. 

There was a quiet hiss from Fin, but instead of pulling away, he remained still while Daiya nuzzled his right hand like a cat. 

"How did you save me, by the way? You still don't understand what you did?" He asked as he slowly got himself seated beside Daiya on the bed, who quickly found his way into Fin's lap.  

Instead of answering, Daiya just wrapped his arms around Fin's neck and snuggled in with a content sigh. He'd been asked that question a hundred times, but he couldn't give an answer he didn't have, so he gave none. 

When Fin realized that, he sighed and gently grasped Daiya's waist to remove him from his lap. 

"I have things to tend to, now that I am able." He said as he stood, only swaying slightly. 

Daiya looked ready to argue, but Fin pressed a finger to his lips. 

"Enough. I have rested plenty. I have things that need taken care of, and I cannot see to them if I am lying in bed all hours of the day." He said as he headed for the washroom to clean up. 

His bath had been filled earlier in the day, so it was cold when he finally settled into it, but it still looked like he enjoyed the cool water. Daiya tried to help him scrub himself a couple times, but the man was stubborn! 

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