Black as Light

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Flexing his hand in the soft moonlight drifting through the window in Fin's bedroom, Daiya moved the man's body with cautious curiosity. They continuously fought for control, but as time went on and Fin did not consume food, his ability to resist him decreased to the point they were currently at. 

Daiya turned his head toward the door at the sound of a knock. It would be another offered meal set on a tray just outside. He had not wished to starve Fin, by any means, but he could also sense many of his thoughts, and as he came to understand just the very surface of his mind, he knew that Kovash would pay dearly if he allowed him freedom. 

Anger flared around his own thoughts from the necromancer but Daiya took a deep breath and made himself stay calm. To his surprise, Fin's keep was not nearly as bad as he'd thought it would be. Sure, he'd been following him off and on as a ghost, but he'd had to disappear whenever his mind began to get drawn into Fin memories. 

The last time that had happened, when Kovash had attacked Fin's horse, had really scared him. He hadn't been able to do anything but repeat what Fin's mind was pushing upon him until his undead bat friend intervened. 

It had hurt, a lot. 

Another shock of anger flared in his mind, making Daiya wince. 

I can't let you hurt him any further. He is a kind creature. He does not deserve to be murdered for helping me. 

There was also a communication problem between them, even though they currently shared the same body. While Daiya felt like Fin could understand him, for the most part, he was unable to receive any kind of spoken word from the man. All he got were emotions, and most of the time, it was anger or hatred. 

I just want to love you, but your heart is so dark. I can't find any way inside. 

Daiya wrapped Fin's arms around himself, needing to hug him, but not being able to do it any other way. 

You waste your time, boy. 

Looking up, Daiya swept his gaze across the room quickly, in search of the owner of the new gravely voice in his head. His first abrupt search gave him nothing, but when he actually turned Fin's body as he carefully looked about, he realized that something, or someone, had definitely entered the room. 

"How did you get in here?" He asked the small black fox who was lying comfortably upon his dead body that still rested in Fin's bed. Its front paws were crossed, its posture clearly relaxed as it gave a little yawn and flicked one obsidian ear. 

When the voice didn't respond, Daiya frowned. He looked around the room one final time, then narrowed his eyes back on the little creature. 

"You say that I am wasting my time. How would you know such a thing?" He asked. 

He could sense Fin responding to the new entity, but he couldn't figure out if it was a positive or negative. He almost seemed indifferent to it, which was odd, since when god had showed up as a silver fox, he had tried his hardest to kill her. 

"How would you know him at all, as a matter of fact?" He added, taking a step closer. 

We have dealings. I just sensed something amiss, so I am here. The animal finally replied, making Daiya even more confused. 

"Who are you, to have dealings with him?" He asked, knowing that it was no ordinary animal, but also unsure of what its intentions were regarding Fin. He didn't want the man to be put through any further hardships. 

Your loyalty is exhausting. Is this not your corpse I am resting on? Do you not hate the man you now possess for doing such a thing to you? It asked, its other ear flicking before it yawned a second time. 

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