Born For You

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(This song... because, obvious reasons.)

The rattling of something against iron brought Daiya out of his uncomfortable sleep. He was cold. Extremely cold. He could feel the frigid stone beneath him hungrily stealing what little warmth his body hadn't already lost during the earlier rainstorm. The tips of his fingers were numb, and as he opened his eyes, squinting the damaged one, he realized that his recently-acquired glasses were now gone. 

"She favors such a human? There is no other way that he is alive without her aid if he was not on the list." 

Who is that? 

It didn't sound like the man who had attacked him, and it definitely wasn't Fin. The words were drawn out slightly, as if whoever was talking had to think hard about each one before they could speak it. 

"Will she take him from the necromancer?" Another asked as Daiya tried to sit up, but got no response from his body besides a pulsing ache from his shoulder and chest. 

Nice to know that my injuries are finally back to being normal. He thought sarcastically. 

The sound of faint scurrying had Daiya's eyes glancing around again, but he could see next to nothing in the dark area. 

"Who... are you?" He slurred out, his words barely audible in the near-silence. 

"Me?" One of the voices answered, right before the other replied. "Or me?" 

Daiya squeezed his eyes shut and shivered. 

"Both." He whispered through chattering teeth. 

The sound of little feet against stone met his ears once more, making Daiya slowly force his body to move. Thankfully, when he managed to back up slightly, a damp wall let itself be known, causing patches of cold water to spread through his dirty shirt. 

Get up. Come on. He spurred himself on as he pushed as hard as he could against the stone beneath him with his good arm. Daiya felt like he weighed double what he should as he gradually got his tired body into a sitting position against the hard wall. 

With his new vantage point, he scanned the room again, realizing that there were metal bars everywhere but behind him running from floor to ceiling, which was so high above his head that he could see none of it.

I'm in a dungeon cell.

He wanted to be upset about that bit of information, but after what he'd seen earlier, Daiya wasn't sure if it was such a bad thing to have metal bars between him and what things were surely lurking within the rest of the keep. 

"They are hungry." The voices replied, making Daiya's heart stutter in his aching chest. 

"I apologize, but I have nothing on my person to give... them?" He rasped, then coughed several times before getting control of himself. 

When he lifted his head from his coughing fit, Daiya noticed two faint shadows near the bars in front of him. The figures couldn't have been more than ten feet away, yet he still couldn't make out any details besides their dark color and short stature. 

He kept his attention focused on them as they got closer, not able to deduce what the creatures were until they were nearly standing at his feet. 

Rats? They're giant, though. 

And indeed, they were. Each animal was close to a foot tall and the scent of their decaying flesh also told Daiya that they were no normal beings. 

"That's okay." One of the voices said as a rat tapped Daiya's soggy shoe with one of its paws. 

Daiya quickly withdrew his foot, but he was unable to actually get away from the creatures with his injuries. 

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