A Piece of Peace

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Daiya felt Kovash's presence in his mind fade away as his and God's body dropped in a quivering mass to the forest floor. Angels rained down from the sky, their bodies thumping to the ground before they began to sizzle and decay. 

Shaking, he carefully made his way down the remainder of the tree trunk, slipping into Fin's arms as he helped him down. 

"Fin..." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around the man's neck, returning the strong hug he was getting. 

"I know, Dai. I saw and I'm sorry. Even though I hated him, I wouldn't have wanted him dead. You loved him, and that's all that mattered to me." He said before Daiya squirmed his way free to turn and look at the smoldering pile of fur and flesh. 

The haze around them had begun to diminish and the gigantic tree beside them was starting to whither. He felt his feet move closer to the two large steaming bodies in front of him, stopping right at the edge of the smoldering grass and leaves. 

Tears ran tracks down his dirty cheeks as Devil's large dragon stalked over to him, sniffing the pile of bodies near his feet. 

I apologize, Daiya. It was Kovash's plan. He said solemnly as he reached forward and scraped at the charred remains. It was impossible to tell what ashes had been his good friend. 

Daiya watched quietly as Devil continued to paw at the mass, then started nudging his nose into it. 

"Okay, that's kind of gross." Fin said as he walked up beside them and knelt down. Daiya joined him, fighting to keep himself from reaching out and burning his hand. 


Devil's thought drew their attention toward where he was beginning to pull away from the burned remains. Just as his nose lifted from the pile, a new one appeared from the ruin. 

"What...?" Fin whispered at the same time Daiya gave a quiet gasp. 

Tiny little bat wings followed soon after, one of the claws protruding from it managing to snag Devil's snout. The hold allowed Devil to pull it, and in turn, easily maneuvered the small creature from the steaming ashes. 

"It's... a baby Kovash." Daiya said in disbelief. 

The tiny bat-demon released Devil and dropped to the singed grass, shaking its sandy brown coat out before looking up at the three faces staring down at it. 

"Please tell me that he can't talk yet." Fin said as he reached toward the little Kovash, only to jerk his hand away abruptly as the tiny demon lunged for his fingers. 

Bite me! 

"Kovash!" Daiya cheered as he scooped up the little guy and hugged it tightly. "I'm so glad that you're okay." He said, earning a snuggle from his friend. 

Thank you for caring, master, but I feel as if I am no use to you in this little form. Kovash replied to their minds as he squirmed free of Daiya's arms to climb up and perch on his shoulder. 

I did not have time to do much else, Kovash. I apologize. I had to grab your soul before it drifted off, but your body was too badly damaged to save enough flesh to reincarnate you at your normal size. Unfortunately, you will have to wait and grow like any other living thing. Devil said with a hint of humor to his words. 

"Wait... like any other living thing? You mean?" Daiya said as he looked at Kovash and grinned. 

Yes. He is alive now. 

Renewed excitement coursed through Daiya's veins as he plucked Kovash from his shoulder and squeezed him in another suffocating hug. "I'm so happy for you, Kovash! Isn't this great, Fin?" He asked, grinning up at his love. 

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