Dress for Distress

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He should have expected it. There was no way around the annoying issue that now hugged him in a vice-like grip, even while fast asleep with its head pressed up against his chest. 

He's even beneath the blankets. 

Pursing his lips, Fin slowly awoke and began his task of untangling Daiya's arms and legs from around him. It didn't help that zombies tended to re-enter rigor mortis whenever they slept too  deeply. His arms and legs were locked in place like a statue's.

"Daiya, wake up." He said, using his abilities to press his words into the young zombie's mind. 

It didn't work right away, which was no surprise. It was hardest to control newer undead. He did, however, sense a response deep in Daiya's mind, so he continued to speak quietly to him until he finally noticed one of his eyelids flutter. 

"There you are." 

When a quiet groan, which still resembled a small puppy, met his ears, Fin grinned and began gently rustling Daiya's hair. 

"Wake up for me, Daiya. We have things to do today." 

Fin could sense Daiya's hesitation since he was finally so warm. 

"I still owe you another time together like I promised, and perhaps you can earn more today, so please release me." He said, adding the polite word to try and coax Daiya a little more. 

He waited patiently for a few more moments, then was rewarded with soft brown eyes staring up at him. 

"Welcome back." He said as he felt Daiya's arm slowly begin to unwrap from around his chest. Once his upper body was free, the young man's legs followed suite. 

Fin hurried from the bed and was clothed and ready for the day by the time Daiya was able to get himself into a sitting position with his legs hanging over the edge. 

"We will be doing something far different today, Daiya." He said as he walked over to the door and opened it, gesturing someone inside. 

The woman who stepped in didn't appear to be more than a peasant. She was dressed decently, but nothing like the women Fin kept in his keep. 

"We will be getting you fitted for a few garments today." Fin said, drawing a blank stare from Daiya, as well as a tiny bit of drool. 

"It is not uncommon for someone of higher status to take a tame zombie as a pet... at least for a short while. I believe that it's about time that you began coming along with me on some small errands." 

The seamstress walked around Daiya repeatedly after he got himself up, wrapping a line of measuring tape around him at just about every angle one could think of. Fin watched Daiya try to follow the woman with his eyes, but his head turned far too slowly to be able to manage. 

"Perhaps you would do better if you were sold to a master instead of left in the wilds..." He thought out loud as he watched Daiya's delayed reactions. "Kovash was right about one thing. You definitely aren't an aggressive type." 

Turning his attention to the seamstress, who was now bringing in several garments to try on Daiya, he spoke as he gestured back to the zombie. "Let's see if we can make him appear appealing to someone looking for a pet." He said, earning a nod from the seamstress as she set down one item, only to pick up a nicer one. 

"This one, my lord?" She asked. 

Fin nodded, then stepped forward and began tugging off Daiya's borrowed loose shirt. It took him a minute, because Daiya still wasn't able to react very quickly, but it was off as soon as his arms were mostly over his head. 

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