Talking Life

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Kovash ran for so long that by the time he finally slowed to a stomping walk, the sky was beginning to dim. His ears flicked about, trying to pick up any sound that was out of the ordinary, besides himself, but everything was comfortably quiet. The living world around them was beginning to go to sleep for the evening. 

He slowly lowered himself to the ground, waiting as long as it took for Daiya to carefully climb from his back. When the lad was sitting somewhat correctly on the damp grass at his paws, Kovash turned his head and nudged his face, then licked it. 

I hope that you are happy with this freedom, master. 

He sensed an uneasiness from Daiya, but didn't need the lad to speak in order for him to understand. 

You will grow used to not having him around. I know that you have entered some sort of deal with Devil in relation to him, but Fin is not someone who cares for your well-being any longer. He has changed, and now, so must you. 

Daiya looked like he wanted to say something, but the sound of a snapping twig a few yards away drew Kovash's attention. He stood, hackles bristling and ears pointed forward as he tried to decipher what was there before it had a chance to come out of its hiding place. 

Whatever it was, its steps were uneven. It didn't seem like it was trying to be quiet in order to sneak up on them, either. 

Fin would not be so obvious... At least, not in such a simple way. 

That thought brought realization to his widening eyes. 

Daiya, please get on my back again. It is not safe here.

He was grateful that the lad didn't hesitate to start doing as he was asked, but his body was not cooperating with him enough for the action to be done quickly. 

 When two degraded zombies fumbled out of a thick patch of thorn bushes, then began to crawl toward them when their balance completely failed them, Kovash bared his teeth and snarled. 

They would be more than easy to dismember, but it wasn't those two specific zombies he was worried about. There were always more if they found you in secluded areas. Cities and villages were one thing, but out in the wilderness, they could eat bugs, carrion, just about anything they could get their hands on. 

Some didn't make it that way, but many could. 

As if responding to his worry, the other bushes surrounding them began to rustle, drawing Kovash closer to Daiya in the hopes that he would manage to latch on faster. The lad was grasping his fur, but he could tell that he wasn't gripping strong enough for him to take off yet. 

He slowly began backing away as more zombies appeared, but to his dismay, Daiya was beginning to loosen his grip on him, not increase it. 

What on Earth are you doing, master? We must get out of here, your body is still too alive for you to be safe around other undead. 

At his words, Daiya released him completely and took a somewhat-balanced step toward the zombies. 

What are you doing, master? Kovash asked, his thoughts startled as he hurried to put himself between Daiya and the growing hoard approaching. 

As if their zombie issue was not enough trouble for that moment, a loud boom overhead told Kovash that melting into a mass of blood and bones was soon going to be an issue, too. 

He wasn't sure if Daiya would be affected dramatically by the fresh rain, but he didn't want to chance it. Rain was the one thing that hurt the stronger zombies more than the weaker. The weaker usually didn't like the sun much, but he hadn't noticed Daiya mind more than a squint or frown. 

Master, we must go! Kovash said, nudging Daiya's right shoulder from behind as his anxiety grew. 

Daiya only took a single step forward, then lifted his right hand in a stop gesture. 

They have no reason to listen to you, you are not a necromancer! 

Even as he thought those words, Kovash saw them being proven shockingly false. The horde of undead that had been encroaching on them slowly came to a halt. They all seemed confused at first, but as Daiya began limping toward them, they parted just enough to allow him through. 

What is going on? 

Kovash followed closely upon his heels, but Daiya seemed to be in complete control of the previously dangerous situation as the zombies encircled him slowly. They moved away just enough to give them a few feet of space once Daiya had stopped, putting them in a large circle of undead that must have numbered close to twenty. 

When he finally felt that they were safe enough to calm down a little, Kovash turned his attention to Daiya, who stood stock-still beside him. 

The lad was looking up at him with a smile Kovash hadn't expected to see on his face ever again. 


Daiya opened his mouth and closed it a few times before Kovash heard a very faint whisper from him. 


A sudden cloud of weariness washed over Kovash. It was something that he wasn't used to feeling and it hit him hard, making him stagger slightly. Shaking his head hard, he tried to dispel the feeling, but only brought upon a wave of dizziness to go along with his newfound confusion.  

Master, what are you doing to me? He asked as he pushed back the blurriness in his eyes to look around at the zombies surrounding them again. 


Daiya had slowly turned to face several of them, and with just a simple gesture of his risen hand, those standing began to collapse to the damp dirt beneath their feet. The creatures on the ground lowered their heads. 

Kovash felt his own legs begin to weaken, lowering him unwillingly to the ground as he saw Daiya slowly turn back to face him. 

Master, why are you doing this to me? 

His vision blacked out for several seconds before returning to see Daiya kneeling in front of him, his eyes a little more focused than Kovash remembered them being. He wanted to ask what he was doing again, but the words broke apart in his foggy mind as Daiya settled a hand atop his fuzzy head. 

"Sor... ray, Kov." Daiya rasped, his voice dry and painful even to Kovash's ears as the lad tried to speak clearer. 

The rustling of zombies quieted as he lay before Daiya, fighting to stay awake as crickets took over as the only sound in the area. His ears picked up nothing else in the area for several minutes, but then he heard something that had his dead heart actually shake with dread. 

Footsteps, with a slight limp. 

Don't Daiya, please. It's not safe. He begged, forcing the words from his darkening thoughts. 

They seemed to have not been heard in the lad's mind, though, because soon the sound of the footsteps faded... followed by his consciousness. 

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