Dropping Dead

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(Hope you guys are liking this so far XD I'm having fun. And this song 110%.) 

Wake up, Daiya. 

Bobbing his head where he still sat against the damp dungeon wall, Daiya tried to force his tired eyes open, but they refused to cooperate. 

Leave the lad be, Kovash. It's best that he is not fully awake. 

Daiya couldn't be sure, but the second voice in his mind sounded like that crocodile he'd met before... and also like that old woman who'd given him the glasses at the market. 

I am both of them, yet not. It replied. 

Somehow, the tone of their voice was soothing, lessening some of his worry. 

We must get him away from here before lord Fin returns. Kovash's voice drifted through his mind. The other entity replied calmly, its words like a soft breath of wind as they moved along his thoughts. He must be healed, first. He cannot even hold his head up, let alone hold onto your back in order to escape from here. 

Wait... you are here? Daiya asked. 

I have not left your side, master. Kovash replied, only for the other voice to nearly cut him off. He means me, bat. 

Daiya swore he could almost feel Kovash's indignation as he heard the creature grunt out a high pitched growl. A faint smile found its way onto his dry lips at that. 

I thank you for remaining by my side, Kovash. He said, truly grateful. His attention then turned back to the other voice. Who are you? I appreciate all the assistance you have given me, and for listening to me when I asked you to stop the rain, but why are you so determined to help me?

The voice was quiet for several silent moments before replying. 

I have interest in your survival. 

That answer made little sense to him and drew his grin downward into a frown. 

Do not worry, Daiya. I am no one's enemy. 

He had a hard time believing that statement, and the entity seemed to be able to tell, because it quickly added. 

I truly hold no grudge towards your Fin. I just do as I must. 

He decided not to dwell on thinking poorly of the voice's owner for the time being. They had, indeed, stopped the rain when he'd asked and had not outright attacked Fin. They had also helped him multiple times without being asked.

Rest assured, Daiya, I cannot kill him. Even if I wished to. He is not of my making any longer. 

He was about to ask the voice to elaborate further when it spoke again. 

Now is not the time, nor the place, for this conversation. I am going to heal you now, but it will hurt. I apologize, but if I do not mend your bones, you will meet your end in this dungeon. 

Daiya understood, but that didn't mean that he was ready to feel the searing pain that blossomed from his shoulder as he felt something akin to a dog's nose nudge at the area. His mouth opened on a silent scream as his head jerked back against the wall. 

You are hurting him too much! Kovash's voice infiltrated his clouding mind. 

There is little I can do about it. He must be healed now. The other voice replied as the pain intensified. Daiya could feel the bones in his shattered shoulder moving back to where they had originally been. It hurt like nothing he'd ever experienced, and when they began to physically mend, he felt his mind begin to darken. 

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