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Fin rolled over, groaning as his body protested. He was completely worn out. Cracking his eyes open, he narrowed them when he saw Daiya grinning back at him, the lad's hair a complete mess on the pillow from when he'd run his fingers through it repeatedly during intercourse. 

I've never been with anyone who has had the energy to fornicate so much. He thought as he let his eyes drift closed again. He's a rabbit, I swear. 

Daiya had said that it had been his first time, with anyone, and Fin did agree that he had seemed a little unsure of himself once they had finally lost their clothing and he had the lad pinned beneath him, but after their first coupling, he was very keen on learning, and pleasuring them both, as much as possible. 


He felt a kiss brush against each of his eyelids and slowly allowed them to drift open again. Daiya offered him another sated smile before scooting closer. Fin moved automatically, wrapping his arm around the lad so that he could pull him firmly against his chest beneath the thick blanket that covered them both before letting his eyes slip closed again. 

"Fin?" Daiya whispered as their legs slowly tangled together. 

There was a quiet grumble from Fin's chest in response, spurring Daiya on to nuzzle closer. "I love you, Fin." 

Those words brought Fin's eyes open for a third time, a hint of darkness to their shade. 

"Why, Daiya?" He asked, his voice raspy from sleep. "I killed your father. Technically, I killed you, too." He said as he tightened his hold on his lover, uncomfortably afraid that he might try to slip from his grasp. He knew that he didn't deserve him... but he would never let him go. 

When he felt soft lips press against the underside of his chin, Fin sighed and tilted his head down in order to meet Daiya's lips with his own. They kissed for several quiet moments before their mouths broke apart. 

"I understand that I should not have feelings for you any longer. You were a terrible person. My father might have done something horrible to you that justified your reaction, but to kill me for it... and to hurt so many people out of spite. It is not okay." He said, making Fin's heart ache in his chest. 

Daiya pressed his forehead against Fin's collarbone and let out a soft breath that ghosted over Fin's skin, raising bumps along its path. 

"I cannot explain it. I have always loved you. As a caretaker. As a demon that tortured me to my last breath. As the man you are now." He nuzzled closer and Fin gladly tightened his hold on him. If it was uncomfortable, Daiya held his tongue on it. 

"There was never another person on my mind. No lady that father brought before me was good enough to replace your face in my mind. I cherished every single memory I had of you. Even as I grew and those memories faded, I refused to forget about my first love. I was so determined to find a way to marry you one day. I'd never thought that you would just up and disappear. That you would never come back for me." 

There was a pause as Daiya caught his breath. Fin took that moment to press a few kisses to his soft hair. 

"Then you were suddenly there. In that dark doorway like an angel come to take me away from the monotonous life I'd waded through since your passing. I couldn't believe that it was you in that alleyway." He whispered. 

Fin took in a few deep breaths before responding as he began to run one of his hands up and down Daiya's smooth, warm back. 

"I made a very stupid deal. Traded part of my soul for a chance to come back and kill your father. I wagered too much." He said quietly. 

Daiya stared deep into his eyes after he had finished speaking. Fin saw the pain there. The memories that had remained. 

"I know that I should be mad, but all I can think of is that I'm so grateful that you are back with me... and I understand now that you suffered greatly because of me when I was a child. I shouldn't be here with you. You should still hate me," Daiya said as he wrapped his arms eagerly around Fin's back. "But I can't even think about considering that. I don't care about any of it. We both made mistakes and did things we shouldn't have, but I have you here now, and I don't ever want to let you go." 

They lay in silence for several minutes before Daiya sat up, the action making the blanket slip down to settle around his waist. Fin's eyes followed it, and he would have been lying if he said that he wasn't almost ready for another bout. 

"I can't change who we are, or what we did, but I can promise you that I will always stay by your side." He winked, then added. "Even if you get tired of me." 

Fin chuckled and grinned in response as he abruptly swung his body overtop Daiya's, pushing the lad down onto the soft mattress and pillows. 

"Tired of you, hm? Well, we have been moving quite quickly with our affections." He mused as he ran his fingers lazily along Daiya's chest, watching with great satisfaction as the lad's body responded to him with shivers. 

"Perhaps I might get bored if we are too eager with each other... Perhaps I will need to seek another partner." Fin thought out loud right before Daiya scurried out from beneath him to the far side of the bed by the wall. 

"I... perhaps we should not be too hasty." He squeaked. 

Fin had only been jesting, but he couldn't find the words he'd meant to speak as he stared at his lover's naked body on full display for him. And only him. 

"Come here, Daiya. I am not quite satisfied with our time together, yet." He said as he reached for him. 

Daiya fidgeted, unsure, but when Fin took his hand and pulled him back to settle in his lap, he seemed to relax against him once more. 

"I apologize. I was poking fun at you. I cannot even consider looking elsewhere for affection. You are the only one I have ever truly wanted, and I will not be letting you go." He said as he leaned down, stealing a gentle kiss. 

When Daiya didn't respond after he leaned away, Fin frowned and lifted his chin so that their eyes could meet. The lad was pouting at him, and he would have been lying if he said that it didn't bother him. 

I am growing soft. 

Right as he thought that, a certain hand that he hadn't been paying attention to grasped him firmly between the legs. 

Alright. Definitely not growing soft. More the opposite. 

"I do not like being the subject of jokes, Fin." Daiya grumbled, making Fin squirm as the lad's hand worked his length. 

"I will try to hold my tongue better." He hurried to say. 

Fin held his breath for a few seconds before Daiya released him with a cheeky grin. 

"I want that tongue to belong to me." He said before reaching up to cup Fin's face. "I want everything you have to belong only to me." 

Fin's heart hammered hard against his ribs as he tilted his head and pressed their lips together again, then whispered. "I will give it to you, Daiya. Everything." 

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