Speak of the Devil

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He felt... nothing. 

Daiya could sense that he was back inside his body, but no emotions touched his thoughts, though he forced himself to bring up memories as he laid there. The devil had been very specific about not forgetting, though when the images flashed before his closed eyes, they brought forth nothing but indifference. 

"I can feel you there, Daiya. Open your eyes." 

Fin's voice was compelling, but it triggered no love from him like it would have previously. He did try to do as he was told, however, but his eyelids felt weighed down and refused to lift. 

There were a few moments of silence before he felt a pressure beneath his left eye, then the lid was being lifted by one of Fin's fingers. 

The man's face was blurry, but he could see him leaning over. 

"You need to focus and awaken fully. I have food waiting for you." He said, the simple word tugging at something deep in Daiya's mind. Food. I want it. 

That was the only thing he now felt. Hungry. 


He tried to sit up, but his body refused to do as it was told. 

"Keep trying. There is good food for you when you can get up." Fin coaxed. 

He must have moved the food beneath Daiya's nose, because he quickly picked up the scent of something delicious. What it was, exactly, he couldn't be sure, but he desperately wanted to eat it. 

"It's for you if you sit up." Fin said. 

Daiya felt something brush against his hair and finally, his left eye decided to cooperate and its lid slowly lifted after Fin released it. 

"There's one." Fin said quietly as he reached for Daiya's right eye and gently lifted its lid with a blurry, bandaged hand. 

It registered in his mind that Fin had gotten hurt. He did remember the interaction they had been having right before he went unconscious. It had been god that had caused the injury while Devil was trying to free him of the burning halo. No emotion came of the understanding, though. 

"Focus, Daiya. Open your other eye for me." 

He couldn't understand why he would do it for him. There was no doubt that he felt a pull to do as he was told, likely because Fin was a necromancer and often commanded the dead, but there was no real want to do it... he just felt like he had to, to a point. The memories that had stayed with him told him that he had, once, been very interested in doing anything to keep the blurry man before him happy. 

Blinking his other eye, Daiya opened and closed them a few times to push away some of the blurriness. 

"There you go." Fin said, finally leaning away out of Daiya's limited line of sight. 

"The dark edges of your vision will clear up as you eat more. You need to sit up so that you can swallow correctly. Your muscles, especially the ones in your throat,  aren't going to work as well until you've consumed a lot." He said as he grabbed him beneath his shoulders and pulled him backward up against several pillows. 

Daiya noticed right away that the man's hands were warm... and also that he, himself, was not. He immediately began craving the warmth when Fin's hands disappeared from his skin. 

"You want to be warm, I understand. When I was first resurrected it was all that I could think of. It will never go away, but you'll be able to control it as long as you keep yourself well fed." 

Why did he need to control it? There was something warm watching over him right at that moment. Without thinking about it, Daiya tried to move his legs over the edge of the bed in order to stand, but he was barely able to get them a few inches before they refused to listen anymore. 

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