Learning Death

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It had taken him three days before his body felt like actually moving more than a few inches at a time. He had eaten far more meat than he normally would have in an entire month, but he was finally feeling a little better. 

His vision had mostly cleared, but he still lacked the ability to communicate verbally. It wasn't hard for him to think the words, but when his mouth opened and he tried to speak them, nothing but a quiet moan came out. He didn't even sound like a normal zombie, either. Fin said that he was closer to a sad dog than an undead. 

His attention turned toward the door as it swung open, then closed immediately behind Fin. He hadn't brought any food with him for the first time in a while, making Daiya wonder why he had returned. Even if he was going to sleep, he would always bring at least a few pieces of meat to feed him. 

"Come, Daiya. We will be seeing how well you manage outside today." He said as he walked over and offered him a gloved hand. 

He had dawned the gloves, he'd said, because they take away some of the warmth, and yearning, that came along with the contact. It was true that it did take away some of the heat, but to Daiya, it simply made him want for the contact more. 

Most zombies would try to take it by force, and likely end up killing the human either by mistake or intentionally. He didn't quite feel like that was a valid option, though. He desperately wanted to feel warm, but the only human that held his interest was Fin. He'd thought about other humans that surely must have body heat as well, but his mind refused to consider them. 

With his normal blank expression, Daiya reached out and grasped his proffered hand. It took a minute to be able to stay steady on his feet. Fin refused to help him besides that one hand, but Daiya was determined and managed after a few slight sways. 

"Very good. Let's be off, shall we?" Fin said as he headed, not for the door, but for the large window with the faint crack in its pane. 

Daiya inched his way closer once Fin had hopped up onto its sill. He wasn't sure how they would get down, though he hoped that Fin would not choose a literal fall. He was already dead, but that still didn't sound very good for his already-troublesome body and Fin likely wouldn't be able to manage the height. 

He was just leaning a little closer to look outside as the window opened when Kovash suddenly appeared before him. Fin snarled, jumping slightly at the creature's abrupt appearance, but Daiya just blinked. He did not think Fin would have let the beast remain walking among the living, yet it now stood before him, clinging onto the window with its sharp claws as it leaned its head inside to nudge at Daiya's face with its cold, wet nose. 

Master, it pains me to see you in such a state. 

Did it really cause him physical pain? Tilting his head, Daiya reached up to set his hand on the beast's large head, then tapped it a few times. It took some effort to keep his balance while doing so and the pet looked a little more like a slap, but it was a success either way. 

I will help you find your way back to the world of the living, master Daiya. Kovash said into his mind before Daiya felt strong hands grasp beneath his arms and lift him up onto Kovash's back. He instinctively dug his hands into the beast's fur, holding, possibly, too tightly, but Kovash didn't complain. When Fin moved closer, Kovash raised his lip to snarl. 

"Don't give me that, beast. What do you think will come of him if I am not there?" He asked as he flashed his own fangs, then swung up onto the zombie's back to sit right behind Daiya. 

Feeling the faint warmth radiating off the man as he leaned over and Kovash carefully started maneuvering down the keep's walls, Daiya couldn't help but release the hold his left hand had and turn slightly, grasping Fin in an awkward half-hug before he turned the rest of his stubborn body. 

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