A Devil of a Plan

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Kovash carefully made a running landing on an old, overgrown dirt road a short distance from the main town after being in the air for a short time. 

If you are looking for God, you have quite a journey ahead of you. Devil said, his voice echoing into Daiya's mind. 

What do you mean? Is she not just hanging about like she normally does, Intent on causing trouble? He replied in his mind, hoping that his words found Devil. 

She is around, yes, but not as herself. We do not need to show our true form to be able to use our abilities or travel in this world. He replied. 

Daiya understood that well enough from his past meetings with them. 

Then where might I find her true form? He asked.

The cold lands to the north. He replied, drawing a frown to Daiya's lips. 

He was going to respond, but his train of thought was cut off when Finn gently began rubbing his thumb along Daiya's skin, having seemingly slipped it beneath his wet shirt. It didn't seem like he was trying to get any kind of reaction out of him, though. Daiya knew that crossing his arms and rubbing his thumb along his skin was just a sign of stress for him, but he couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine at the attention. 

Finn will need to remove the barrier he has placed over his land in order for you to travel. If you try to leave without his permission, you will be forever lost in the fog. Devil said. 

Daiya looked over his shoulder as Finn hopped off of Kovash's back to stretch. 

"Finn, can you remove the barrier you have on this land so that we can find God?" Daiya asked as he slipped from his demon's back, too. 

Kovash took that opportunity to shake out his matted coat and run off toward the town, disappearing behind a group of trees a few moments later. 

"I can." Finn finally said as he finished stretching out his naked body. "But I don't want you to leave." He added. 

Daiya frowned, turning to Finn with his hands on his hips. "Why not? We need to take care of her or things are just going to get worse." 

Finn gave a little half smile and settled a hand on Daiya's shoulder. 

"Yes, things will get worse. That is why I will be the one leaving to deal with her. I want you nowhere near that creature." He said. 


"But I am stronger than you now! I can fight her, too." He said, taking a step closer, only to get pulled into Finn's chest by a strong hug. 

"Yes, you are likely stronger than I am now. That does not mean that I want you to get hurt, though." He said, making Daiya's heart stumble a little in his chest. 

It made him happy that Finn finally cared, but it really wasn't the time to be stubborn. 

"Kovash won't fly without me." He said, pouting a little. 

Of course, he wasn't positive about that, but the bat demon did tend to favor him and never seemed to happy to be around Finn. As if speaking about him had summoned him, Kovash came to a stumbling landing a few feet away. He was holding something in his mouth, making Daiya step out of Finn's embrace and walk over, curious. 

"A pair of trousers?" He asked as he took the garment from him. 

Kovash snorted and jerked his head toward Finn. 

I don't want his naked butt on my back again. 

Daiya snickered and was about to toss the pants to Finn when he realized something. 

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