A Fly to Die

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"Master Fin, is something the matter?" One of his stablehands asked as they walked his horse up to him, handing off the stallion's reigns with a questioning look around. 

Daiya, stop spooking the horses. He thought to the boy's ghost as it ran before his horse, making the animal snort and jerk its head. It shouldn't be able to see him, but animals were perceptive creatures. It probably knew that Daiya was there. 

The ghost, which had grown a few inches since the last time Fin had seen in a few days ago, glanced up at him with an excited smile before vanishing, only to reappear on the animal's back, making the stallion nay loudly and kick its back legs out, startling the stablehand. 

"I think there is something about. The horses are never this spooked." The lad said as he quickly managed to regain control of the animal. 

Fin pursed his lips and took the reigns, dismissing the lad with a nod before turning to tug the horse from the stables and out into the fresh, crisp, morning air. 

"Where have you been? Did I not tell you to stay with me?" He said, seemingly to no one at all as he calmly walked the animal toward the length of field that lead into the forest he planned to travel through upon its back... if he could make sure that Daiya would no longer scare the animal into possibly throwing him off. He did not wish to die again

Daiya, who appeared to be around ten or so now, flashed in front of him a few meters ahead, running through the knee-high grass. Fin slowed on the dirt road he was walking and watched the blades of grass spread for Daiya's phantasmal body, but then blow right through him a moment later. 

"You will trip if you are not careful." Fin said, remembering when he'd taken Daiya out to play in a very similar field. 

He'd complained for months that he wanted to run through the high grasses and that it seemed like fun. Of course, Fin had argued that he would hurt himself. The darn boy was prone to causing himself bodily harm, which, in turn, ended with himself getting whipped or injured by his father. 

"You tripped in a similar field when you were ten and injured your ankle... the left side of my back was whipped so badly after I carried you back home that I couldn't move my left arm for several days." He said, knowing that the ghost wasn't minding him as it ran about. 

Shaking his head, Fin climbed up into the saddle of his horse and nudged it forward slowly. It was still wary, its ears flicking back and forth as its nostrils flared, but it obeyed and began walking. 

When Daiya began repeating the same action of running forward, then disappearing into the grass, Fin realized that he was replaying another memory. 

"I will not dismount just to try and catch you again. You know what you are doing and can stop on your own, if you so wish to." He stated simply as he spurred his horse on a little faster, trying to outpace Daiya. 

Of course, he knew that the ghost could move much quicker than a normal person, so it was no surprise seeing him moving beside him in the field at the same pace. His form wasn't running fast enough for a normal person to keep up, but his ghost moved just enough to keep up with his horse. 

Free the poor boy. You are causing him to repeat your memories. 

Fin scowled as he looked around, trying to find whatever creature the annoying almighty bitch had decided to appear as this time. 

When he couldn't find her around him, he narrowed his eyes on his horse... then noticed something drop onto his shoulder. 

"You would be a fly. Be gone, whore, your new lifespan will be over in less than a day. Don't waste it bothering me or I'll end it now." He said, not enthused by the bothersome god on his shoulder. 

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