It Comes Raining Down

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(The A/C went out and Pepperjack decided to take the best seat in the house. I literally had to hold her while I shut the door or she'd just jump right back in.) 

"Why are we not there yet?" Fin asked for the sixth time, drawing a grunt from Devil's fox where it had perched atop Kovash's fuzzy head. 

I told you that I can only get you there if you believe me able. Yes, I had said that she was north and eventually you might have been able to find her, but your bat couldn't even manage to figure out which direction that even was. 

Kovash snorted at his words. 

I am missing most of my brain. Pardon me for my lack of knowledge. Please take up your issues with my horrible creator. He did not put a compass in my nose. 

"I can put one up your-" Daiya turned partially and pressed a finger to Fin's lips. "I swear, you two never get along" He grumbled, earning a grunt from both of them in response.

As fun as it would be watching you two fight while we're hundreds of feet in the air, I'd rather not die again so soon. Devil said as he tapped a paw against Kovash's head. 

So how does this believing thing work? Because we have been flying around in fog for the last several hours. Kovash replied as he began to descend, though the specks of blurry ground far below them didn't seem to get any closer no matter how far down he tried to go. 

It's a magic she has cast over this area. Like Fin's barrier, it bars people from being able to enter or exit without permission. Devil said. Sometimes they can't even land correctly, as the ground appears to be very far below, when in reality it is just an illusion and causes many horrible crashes and deaths while flying. 

His words had Daiya's eyes narrowing up ahead. 

I can break the barrier, but you three have to believe that I can, no matter how illogical it seems. Her rules are different from Fin's. Devil added. 

"Well, we literally have nothing to lose, so I do believe that you can break her barrier and help us find her. You can turn into anything you wish and live as many lives as you choose. It only makes sense that you can guide us through this simple haze." Daiya said, looking over his shoulder at Fin with a smile. 

He huffed, but then hugged Daiya closer to his chest as he rested his chin on his shoulder. 

"Fine. I do believe that you can find that bitch. If any of us can, it would be you, anyways. Sure as hell not this dumb bat I shouldn't have made." He grumbled. 

Devil flattened his ears to his head and looked down at Kovash. 

Get me out of this place so that I can throw this fool off of my back. Kovash thought, making Daiya sigh. 

He didn't think that it would work considering their attitudes, but as he lifted his gaze, he was surprised to see a giant forested mountain peek approaching rapidly. 

"Up, Kovash!" He yelled as he leaned down, holding on tightly as Fin nearly suffocated him with his own arms around his middle. 

The demon beat its wings dramatically, just barely managing to avoid several trees before crashing into a particularly large one that had been partially concealed by another harsher fog. It seemed to tower over the rest of the mountainside forest. The impact against its trunk jolted them all from Kovash's back and into its thick canopy before they even had a chance to respond. 

Daiya tried to snag a branch as he began to fall through the condensed leaves and snapping thinner twigs around him, but his fingertips kept slipping from the thick dew on the slick wood. He was just reaching for one more branch that he thought might hold his weight when he felt a strong hand grab his wrist, abruptly halting his descent. 

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