Darker Than Kindness

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(It's 1 AM. This took six hours x.x) 

Shivers wracked his body as he slowly awoke from a fitful sleep. His head throbbed, along with his eye, shoulder and chest, but thankfully the pain wasn't unbearable. 

I know I shouldn't be able to move much, but somehow it isn't nearly as bad as it should be. 

He remembered breaking his left arm as a child, and the pain had kept him from even thinking about moving it for several days. 

My bones must be splintered to pieces after how terribly I had hurt, yet I only feel a horrible but manageable ache right now. 

Of course, he didn't test it too much. He couldn't really try, either. From what he could tell, he was still in Fin's arms, and the uncomfortably heavy blanket continued pinned most of his limbs in place. 

He wouldn't let me touch him before... perhaps this blanket is to prevent me from trying again. 

It made sense, but it definitely wasn't a normal blanket. It had to have been made specifically to keep someone from moving much. 

"Master, I believe we are in for a bit of trouble. I know you did not want it mentioned, but it seems like god is already not pleased with the lad being taken..." 

There was no reply from Fin, though the man wasn't deterred enough to stop speaking, yet. "Can we not let him leave at the town where we'll be docking soon? Surely that would appease her." 


The deep laugh that came from Fin brought another round of shivers through Daiya's body, making the man's arms holding him suddenly tense. He did his best to pay no mind to the growing chill in his bones, but soon enough, his teeth began to chatter and his shaking got even worse. 

When the heavy blanket was pulled away from his face, Daiya blinked his good eye up at the two blurry faces staring down at him. 

"His shoulder is shattered and his left rib is broken... is that all the damage you could really do against him? He is practically blind, and you even forced one of his eyes to swell shut." Fin stated without a hint of emotion in his voice. 

The  man to his left shifted a little before mumbling. "He's faster than I thought he'd be... if I coulda just gotten another minute, I woulda had him dead." 

Fin looked up at the man, making him immediately back away, out of Daiya's poor range of sight. He refused to look away from Fin's blurry face. 

"I'll find another way. We should be docking at any moment. Go get the new set of horses ready, they should be waiting at the port." 

The sound of the man running from the carriage made Daiya surprisingly uncomfortable. He had hurt him quite badly, but he had done it on Fin's order. That had hurt far worse than his injuries. 

His good eye narrowed and widened out of habit, trying to focus, though it had been years since it had honestly helped at all. 

"It's best that you don't see." Fin stated before gently settling his lower half on his lap, only to reach up with his now-free hand and grasp the heavy blanket. 

"Wait!" Daiya pleaded. 

He didn't want to be smothered again. It hadn't been the easiest to breathe beneath it and the darkness only made his worry much worse. 

"I know I can't touch you. I promise I won't move." He said, not really able to do so with the weight of the blanket on the rest of his body, anyways. 

He thought that Fin might consider it, since he didn't answer right away, but when he started pulling it back over his face, Daiya tried one last thing. 

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