Long drive

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"Get up." A voice called ending my calm state; I was the calmest I had been since the whole ordeal back at the house. I sat up touching my face realizing that I had yet to clean my cuts and scrapes, I hadn't looked in a mirror and seen how horrid I looked.

"You know I was going to try and clean you up, but I weighed the odds of getting punched again by you so I quickly gave up that idea." Kenny said jokingly looking me over.

"Thanks you never fail to amaze me." I said wincing at his touch against my cheek.

"You got a lot going on, they really worked you over." He said taking an easy jab at my already bruised ego.

"I guess it's just good you don't feel any of it when it's happening." I said turning my head to the side as he went on checking out whatever was so intriguing.

"You're tough, there's a first aid in the bathroom I'll have you looking better in no time." He said jumping up quickly.

"I think I should shower first." I called out standing up looking around the room for anything to wear, there was nothing. We were here with nothing but ourselves. Kenny appeared in the door holding the first aid kit.

"Your right that's a good idea, I'll wait out here." He said awkwardly.

"Ok." I smiled nervously heading into the bathroom. I was rather impressed at the nice reddish purple bruise that was on the side of my face, and the nasty split lip that clearly could have used a stitch or two. I started to feel self-conscious at all the dried blood staining my chin. I wondered why Kenny hadn't mentioned how bad I had really looked.

Taking my clothes off I stared at my naked badly bruised body, just about every limb and surface had some sort of bruise or rug burn, I looked as bad as I felt on the inside. So it was fitting to say the least, turning on the water I sighed feeling so empty and sad. It was such a lonely feeling to think of Evan nowhere near me.

"You almost done in there?" Kenny yelled from outside the door. I ran my hands through my hair letting the scalding hot water shock my body. I let out a huge sigh wishing it could go on all day. The water drowning the outside world, and oh how soothing it felt against my aching muscles and bones.

"Yes why the rush!" I yelled at him making sure he heard my annoyance.

"I want to head out." He said back, this was enough to make me to stop the water; I grabbed a cheap nasty motel towel that barely covered my thin frame.

"Where to?" I asked coming out dripping wet. "Are we going home?"

"Will you put some clothes on?" Kenny exclaimed turning away from me. I raised an eyebrow not amused.

"I'm sorry I heard you say we were leaving so I got excited." I said heading back inside the bathroom.

"Why would that excite you?" Kenny asked.

"Because maybe we can find out what is going on." I said wriggling into my jeans.

"It's pretty clear what's going on. We can't go back to Piper." Kenny sighed sitting down.

"Then what?" I asked pulling my shirt down. He pulled out an antiseptic dumping it on some gauze and gave me a look.

"First you need to clean your lip, and then we will discuss the details." He said shaking his head at me. If I knew anything about Kenny I knew he was thinking how did I get myself into this mess, and why do I have to take care of her?

"What do you think will happen now?" I asked as he patted my lip roughly with the gauze. I jumped at the sting.

"Are you even supposed to put that near my mouth?" I said swatting his hand.

"I don't know your lip is nasty, it's probably going to fall off if you don't clean it or something." He huffed touching it again gentler this time.

"Thanks for everything." I said suddenly really meaning it. Kenny had stayed through so much, he could have ditched me once he was out of the house and he didn't. That meant so much to me that made up for anything he ever did.

"Don't mention it." He said blowing me off.

"I'm serious, you didn't have to." I said touching his hand. "I don't know how I would have coped without you, thank you."

"I knew how much he cared about you; I wouldn't want to let him down ever, no matter the circumstances." He said pulling away from me. We both were silent it was obvious what was on both of our minds.

"So shall we?" He asked standing up; I nodded taking his arm as we pretended everything was acceptable for the amount of time it took to make it to the car. Outside the sun was bright and the air chilly, I sunk down in the seat becoming a little nervous and feeling so uncomfortable in my clean skin and dirty clothes.

"I barely could sleep last night and all I could think about was what he said to Carlo." I said staring at Kenny as we drove.

"What was that?" He said giving me a look before turning back to the road.

"He said I was still Eve to him, and it didn't make any sense to me. I can't figure out what that could have meant."

"Well I noticed it too, and my thoughts about it are a little confusing but I'm willing to share them with you." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Please do." I sighed.

"I'm really starting to wonder if he knew something none of us knew all this time about you. I'm wondering if Evan knew from the beginning that you were more than anyone could have imagined." Kenny said a smile on his face. I took all this information in trying to wrap my brain around it.

"But I don't know what that would be, or how that would even make sense. I'm nothing more than Eve." I said biting my nails.

"None of us ever think we are more than ordinary, it's one of those things that just happen eventually to each and every one of us." Kenny shrugged whipping across traffic.

"What do you mean us?" I asked a little weirded out, who was he calling us I thought to myself.

"Mankind, I don't know you said Evan met you in the woods for the first time right?" He asked looking over at me for confirmation, I nodded. "Well a little FYI for you, Evan never goes in the woods it takes a lot to get him there if you know what I mean." He tapped his hands on the steering wheel.

"Wait what?"I asked shaking my head in confusion. "Then why would he have been there?" I looked at Kenny in a fog of sorts. Kenny raised an eyebrow half looking at the road and me.

My jaw dropped I clutched the door handle in shock.

"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"

"What do you think I am telling you?"He threw back.

"Was he sent to kill me?" I asked freaked out.

Kenny gave a quick nod taking another wild dash across lanes.

"Like I said I think he knew something the moment he laid eyes on you and that's why he did what he did, it was just a matter of a miracle you two fell for each other."

I swallowed hard not saying anything else the rest of the ride.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now