Joker's mind

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When someone made me mad, I wanted to bash his or her face in, feeling as if it were the best thing to do to relieve all the rage inside. But I couldn't do that every time someone upset me, there would be way too many black eyes in the world.

"Good morning sunshine." I said waking up from a long night of thoughts and barely any sleep. My throat was dry and sore from the lack of heat in the cabin. My hair like a wild lion's mane all over my head, and I was glad. I wanted to give Kenny every reason to avoid me.

"Sarcastic even in the morning." He said with a pot of coffee that he set on the table between the two of us. He threw a white coffee mug at me hitting me in my knee before it plunked to the floor. I was not bothered by this because I knew he was running on empty and trying to suffice with caffeine.

"I had a nice sleep, how was yours? Oh wait you don't sleep you're like the champion of non sleeping." I said smiling to myself standing up.

"I'm going to pee, or do you want to watch me do that to?"

"I'll be out here." He said as I slammed the door as hard as I could in his face.

"Maybe I should try and make a run for it just to give us something to do." I said standing up tying my sweatpants that were so not my size or flattering, and to think he could have picked anything for me to wear.

"Maybe you should think before you go doing something stupid." He said eyeing me for a pipe or toilet lid I suspected. I looked around the room feeding into his paranoia.

"What do you think you would hit me like Ari?" I said clutching my throat in dramatic effect. Kenny followed me slowly back to the couch not sure what to think about my new mood. He just didn't know that all my thinking had revamped me and given me a new boost, it was amazing what thinking about Evan could do for one's spirit.

"My head hurts, its early just keep quiet." He grumbled plopping down. I bit my lip letting my coffee cup fall to the floor with a huge bang and shatter. Kenny winced becoming more agitated.

"What Eve?!" He asked. "You think you're going to drive me nuts and I'll just release you?"

"You're already caving; I give you half a day and you'll be passed out long enough for me to take the car and split." I said sitting back down watching the coffee slowly head Kenny's way on the floor. He shook his head at me.

"I cut everything out there in that old truck, it would take a miracle and that you don't have." He said slyly. "Let me know when you're ready to give in."

"Never." I said staring at him.

"And it doesn't matter how unkempt you try to be none of it makes you look less attractive. Besides you could be a troll, whatever works." He shrugged.

"You are a troll." I said back.

"I'm a good looking guy I know that, you know that." He threw back.

"No your brother is a good looking guy, your amateur. Mark's not bad but I only bend for Evan. "I said my eyes big with amusement at this game. Whack! I thought imagining the insult ball sailing back towards Kenny.

"You never know unless you try, what kind of girl could be the judge when they slept with one guy?" He asked dryly.

"And how would you know that?" I asked covering up.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now