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I never thought I would be going to speak to my Dad, or see him move. It happened and it gave me so much hope that a lot could change for the better.

I clutched Evan's hand as we made our way up to the hospital, as we were almost to the door I noticed Gray's friend Chad standing there; he noticed me and Evan right away heading over. Evan gave me a quick glance eyeing Chad.

"Hey Eve." Chad said not bothered by Evan.

"Do they allow your boyfriend in here all the time or only when he's working?" He asked with a smug grin on his face. I stared at Chad in disbelief, and felt Evan's grip loosen. I grabbed his forearm holding on tightly not sure what he would do.

"What does that even mean?" I asked shrugging.

"Oh don't play stupid, we all know about his family." He laughed.

"Evan let's just get upstairs." I said low as a small crowd gathered as Chad went on and on about Evan's "Mob" like ways.

"Chad just stop I don't even know what you're doing here." I said hoping Evan would just head upstairs.

"I can't believe your still with him after Vanessa." He scoffed.

"You need to get out of here." Evan said pulling away and going closer to Chad. I eyed all the gasping people hanging on to every word.

"He killed your friend Eve." He said looking past Evan to me.

"Stop!" I screamed. "You don't even know what you're talking about. Just get out of here." I started walking followed by Evan.

"What the heck." Evan said under his breath.

"I'm so going to kill Gray." I fumed ready to really go off on someone. Evan grabbed my arm pulling me toward him and away from the hospital doors.

"Stop wait a minute." He said low looking ahead of us. I followed his gaze seeing one person I was surprised at seeing, my Mother. The beautifully aged blonde that favored each of her daughter's in all the right ways. There was no denying we were related with so many similarities, her hair swept up on the top of her head, her arms crossed and her eyes glued to Evan and me. It was apparent she was rather upset with us still.

As we made it to the door, she was quick to make her way over grabbing me by the arm with quite a bit of hostility. I pulled back Evan nearly jumping between the two of us.

"He won't let me up there to see him, and I know it has something to do with you kids. Even Gray he won't talk to me." She rambled; I stared at her in disbelief she was nothing like my usual well kept mother. She smelled of booze, I was taken aback.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Tell him I want to see him; it's been months since I talked to him." She said looking past me to Evan. I turned to Evan he shrugged his shoulders pulling me toward the door.

"Evan!" I yelled.

"Get in there with your Dad you don't need this." He said forcing me to go, I was confused but judging by the tone in his voice, I listened to what he said. When we were in the doors Evan walked away from me snagging up the first nurse he saw.

"There's a women out there who needs some medical assistance." He said pointing my mother out to her. I looked back at the door to seem my Mother stumbling a few steps before she dropped to the ground. I was ready to shriek but Evan touched me calming me back down.

"Shh, it's nothing to get upset over." He said hushing me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I could tell she was on something." He said putting his arm around me as if I were going to cry.

"Your Mom is definitely not in a good place right now. And I figured I would help her out rather than let her fail at suicide miserably." Evan said I looked at him my eyes ready to pop out of my head.

"Suicide?" I asked he nodded. "And you could tell?"

"When it's not your time to go and you try to kill yourself it's not pretty. Chalk it up to the one nice thing I will ever do for that women."

I didn't know what to say, even in worse times this Mom had never been weak enough to want to take her own life. I thought maybe losing my Dad twice probably was enough to push her over the edge; I stared at her being rushed through on the gurney knowing she was going to live so there was no need for the tears. Evan held tight to my waist as we started to walk.

"Hey!" Someone yelled.

"I guess he's at it again." Chad said standing in the doorway with the greatest satisfaction. I quickly escaped out of Evan's grasp heading over to him and grabbed a hold of his shirt. He kept smiling egging me on. My whole body was filled with anger. I was angry because I just wanted to be left alone, I wanted time to celebrate my father and get over my mother. My whole body felt like it was shaking as I stared Chad down.

"You leave Evan alone!" I yelled in his face holding tight to his shirt ready to rip the whole thing off. Evan tried prying my fingers away I struggled to hold on.

"Eve let's just go he's not even worth it. I don't care what this kid thinks about me." He reassured me. I tried to steady my breathing feeling the anger almost boiling over; I glared at Chad until he was just a blur, feeling as if I was seeing red. Evan stepped forward and I punched Chad right square in the eye coming back from all the anger. He shook his head as security grabbed me by each arm.

"She's fine, she's fine!" Evan yelled as they held on to me.

I knew at this moment some things you couldn't control one was anger, the other when you felt like you were losing everything you once had.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now