Clue me in

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There was a time after I lost my brother where life simply went from a canvas full of colors to nothing but gray and black. I saw nothing promising in the future once Marcus lost his life. I couldn't imagine how one could live a life not knowing when it would end. Nothing was promised, that's what his death showed me.

Then I met Evan and I learned what he was about, I learned what his family was, too. I knew that they were the ones who came along when it was each of our time and simply stopped our beating hearts. They killed us and kept on living, sometimes I wanted to think that only evil could do such a thing. But I was reminded that someone had to do it.

I wondered so many times about Marcus dying, if the Grim who arranged his death thought about him or even glanced at his face. I thought maybe if they seen Marcus just that alone would have made them think twice about killing him. I wasn't stupid I knew someone was responsible for Marcus not being here. It so happened the lucky Grim who offed my brother decided to take several kids down in the process. That was a cruel way to work a job out; I wondered who the mastermind was behind that one.

I secretly feared that one day Evan would tell me it was him who killed him, and I wondered if I would do the right thing and hate him, or if I would let it go, because love in the present was better than a brother that was no longer there.

I hoped in all that Marcus tried to tell me, I was living up to some of it and doing what he thought was right. He told me to look at the big picture, which didn't make much sense because looking at it only pulled me further into trouble. I tried all I knew to figure out what it was he wanted and I ended up on the ground holding broken pieces that simply didn't fit together. My mind and body were going through more trauma any human probably would ever see and I was stuck, there was no other way to say it I was stuck.

I was finding it hard to even know what the whole point was doing all that I had done; I was trying to find myself and break free from monotony. I made myself so twisted and tangled in life's web I didn't see myself ever escaping.

Was life simply going to chew me up and spit me out?

I started cleaning up the dishes as Evan slept on the couch, it had been a couple days and as much as he wanted me to think all the crazy behavior was fine and back to normal, I knew that it wasn't.

Evan tried his hardest to ignore what had happened and treat me like the girl he was so in love with; I simply just pretended to be blind at how bad of a job he was doing. Because it was neither of our faults and I wasn't going to make all of it more complicated.

The doorbell chimed and I dried my hands going to welcome whomever it was eager to pay a visit. There stood Gray, a face I was actually happy to look at, I touched his arm as he hugged me briefly, he was alone and that worked.

"Let's go outside." I whispered gesturing to Evan grabbing my jacket and heading out the door.

"Hey, Dad wanted me to check up on you. He still isn't feeling up to driving." He said trying to fight the cold.

I trailed my finger across the snow wanting so bad to talk about discuss my Dad and act as if I were all right. But it wasn't working; I looked at Gray wondering if I could honestly share some intimate feelings with him.

"Gray can we just talk?" I blurted out there was no time like the present to challenge that.

"Uh sure." He said sitting down on the frozen patio furniture. He quickly stood up.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now