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It's a strange world when you lose faith in all that is right. When you can't walk down the street without worrying that something evil is lurking in the shadows. Life is about living some may say, but how much living can one do when there is so much that is unknown? How much living can one do when all they really are thinking about is dying?

Time slips through the cracks, and soon enough you're standing at the end of your life wishing you had faith. Wondering where all that faith went. Did it ever really exist?

How many of us felt cheated, just plain and simple robbed of any opportunities to do what we needed to make things right? But at the same time, we knew in the back of our minds that we never would have even if we could.

So the faith simply slips further and further away until we are a shell of a being looking for something to fill us back up and let us breathe again almost like the first time, when we had faith of some kind.

I didn't know much about nothing when I was being jarred awake on the hallway floor surrounded by Evan, Mark and Kenny. I was groggy almost to the point I couldn't figure out if it were a dream or reality.

The look on Evan's face was of complete uncertainty; he was kneeling down next to me, but barely looked connected to the moment. I sat up being restrained by Kenny and Mark. I twisted and turned trying to make it to my feet without the help of the two of them. I didn't want them touching me; Evan grabbed a hold of my arm giving them the hint to back off.

"Eve sit let's sit you down." Mark said looking baffled as much as Evan did. They all followed me closely to the living room. I sighed once I noticed I was in my bra and underwear. Humiliation had left a long time ago I was just baffled about how I had made it there. Once again, it seemed bits of my life were unaccounted for, I knew I wasn't a drunk so why the blackouts?

They all gathered around me looking more than concerned, they all looked as if they were ready to tackle me, or waiting for me to make a break for it. Whatever it may be, I noticed something even odder. I noticed Evan's distance; it was obvious he was trying to keep away from me but at the same time protecting me.

"Will someone just open there mouth, and tell me what the heck is happening?" I asked. I looked around for some sort of blanket there was nothing.

"I don't know really you woke up swinging and punching, I got you back to sleep and thought that was the end of it." Evan stood up pulling up his shirt to reveal scratches down his chest, turned his head and there were more on the side of his neck. I almost thought he was joking. In nothing more than shock at the marks on his body.

"Are you saying I did that?" I asked clutching my head lost.

"I got you to calm down the first time." He said.

"No, you think I did that to you?" I asked cutting him off. Evan's face dropped the guys watched him closely not saying a single word.

"I found you in the hallway." Evan explained to me again. "You were completely out of it by the time they got here you finally woke up just now."

I found it hard to believe I would hurt Evan, and I felt bad and almost jinxed as I watched his skittish behavior around me now. Was it coming true these crazy theories or was there something more to it. I glanced over at Kenny he looked at me with an odd look on his face.

"Are you ok?" I asked him Mark watching my every move, I came toward him trying to see the scratches he reluctantly let me look, and I touched his face.

"Yes I'm fine." He said looking away from me.

"You know I wouldn't hurt you?" I asked him hoping he would admit he didn't think of me in that way.

"I know Eve, sometimes people have nightmares." He said shrugging touching my arm to reassure me. I didn't feel too reassured by the look in his eyes.

"Evan I know I can't take it back, but really I don't know what it is, or why I've been doing this." I said holding on to his arm. Evan looked at me as the words came out of my mouth. His face went from troubled to alert and interested.

"What do you mean Eve?" He asked.

"Evan I don't think it's good to be alone with her tonight." Kenny piped in interrupting us. Mark sighed throwing his hands up in irritation.

"Kenny it's not your choice what I do." Evan snapped. "She's fine now isn't she?"

Kenny stared at me daring me to say anything else, I could almost read his thoughts knowing he was threatening me, and telling me how stupid it would be to tell Evan about the little drive.

"I know I'm just worried, maybe you should take her to the hospital, have her looked at or something." He said again pressing the issue.

"Kenny you need to stay out of it, why not just go home?" Mark asked practically pushing Kenny into the kitchen. I could tell Kenny was not pleased. He looked back at us one last time hoping Evan was going to give in and get me out of the house.

I knew Kenny was bothered that things weren't going his way. I just did not know why, if this were anything like the night before it meant only one thing and that was Kenny had some part in it. Kenny was pushing his luck with me now. The only thing I would not stand for was someone interfering in Evan and I's relationship. I was going to give him one more chance to prove he wasn't involved before I brought him to his knees.

If Kenny knew what was good for him he would fess up before things became much worse.

Once everyone had left, Evan locked the doors taking an extra long time in the kitchen. I hesitated to start on him but I couldn't help it.

"If you're afraid of me just say so." I said looking at him.

"I'm a grown man I'm not afraid of a chick. Your still here aren't you?" He asked trying to ease up.

"But you called them over, you must have been concerned enough to do that." I said knowing Evan wasn't one to ask for any help for much of anything, let alone me. I wondered what really went on to make him involve both his brothers.

"I thought you were possessed or something, I didn't know what to do or not do so I called mark." He said coming over to me.

"You're freaking me out." I said wrapping my arms around myself feeling rather odd in my own skin.

"I'm sorry; I love you regardless if that makes any difference." He offered. It was a weird presence in the room. It loomed over the two of us. The sort of thing that happened when you saw something really messed up, and just couldn't believe it. This thing was exactly that, no one ever knew what quite to say, your mind raced and you just replayed every detail repeatedly.

The problem was I didn't want to replay it I wanted it to go away. I wanted Evan to look at me as he always did, not this traumatized person I was seeing. I was hoping the shock would wear off and he could go back to lovingly looking at me and touching me again.

"What do you think it is, I just don't understand. I totally don't remember doing any of that." I asked feeling lost. Kenny still hung on to my senses and intuition that it involved him in some way. I still hated to say anything to Evan but how much more could I take or even Evan for that matter? I knew he loved me, but it scared me to think of his breaking point, did he have one of those?

Would I be the one case of a Grim ridding himself of his partner because she was batty? I knew if it were and I had to deal with a lunatic I might be keeping that idea in the back of my mind. It was funny to see yourself as nuts. I always thought the crazy ones saw their selves as the only ones who were sane. First time for everything, I suppose.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now