Walk with me

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If I sat back and really thought about what my life was turning into, I knew it was turning into something more than I ever could have imagined. I learned a ton about life, and a great deal about death.

I thought if everything happens for a reason, there was a reason for all that was going on. If it wasn't for everything happening for a reason I would be dead right now, which was how I looked at it.

So maybe my life was going to end for nothing, or maybe it was going to end for more than I ever would know. But the fact that it didn't meant I was suppose to change something. I had already changed the mind of death himself, so why not keep pushing the envelope? Maybe I would receive some answers to so many unknowns.

"Maybe I am stupid for inviting you here I don't know, but this is my only idea." I said as Kenny made his way in wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood covering his head.

He kept his hands in the pockets barely making eye contact with me.

"Just say whatever you want to say so I can get out of here." He said.

I sighed knowing this was going to be hard to do.

"I want answers; I want to know the truth." I said sitting at the table.

"I don't know what to tell you; sometimes things get really screwed up." He said stone faced not willing to give an inch.

"Do you think that because you are who you are I couldn't press charges and cause all sorts of problems for you?" I asked Kenny my old self rearing its ugly head. There was no time like now to try to pick Kenny apart.

"I think that you're smart enough not to go down that road with me." He said taking a seat.

"Who said I was smart?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"What do you think you could accuse me of Eve?" He asked looking me over suspiciously. I shifted in my seat uneasy looking away from his gaze.

"Kidnapping, rape." I said the last low, but it was obvious Kenny heard me from the fist that flew and pounded the table, sending me flying almost out of my seat.

"I told you already, I would never do that!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Tell me one reason I should believe you."

"Because that's not me, or who I am, I would think you knew at least that about me if anything at all." He said calming down.

"It just doesn't make any sense." I said crossing my arms not giving in. "I saw you kissing me, I saw your hands around someone's neck, I saw blood and you laughing like you had lost your mind. And lots of screaming, what did you do Kenny?" I asked sitting back down the tense feeling of fear vanishing.

"I did a job as always, I can't help these crazy messed up thoughts in my head, but I'm trying. Why do you think Evan didn't go off the deep end?" He asked staring at me willing me to listen.

"Because for some reason he trusts you." I said looking at Kenny finally.

"And he loves you so trust him."

"It's not about him or my trust for him. It's about me and why you're doing this to me." I said.

"I'll be completely honest with you, anything I felt for my brother or this family is gone now. I know that, it's time for all of them to realize that." He said, I stared at Kenny thinking he had lost his mind.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I know what the deal is; I know what is going to save me. And I pretty much don't give a crap who goes down to get me there." He said raising his hands up. "It's been sitting here all this time."

"What has?" I asked swallowing. "You're talking about me aren't you?"

"Basically the best thing you could do for Evan is to let him go. Either way it's not going to be pretty. "He said looking at me with his hand out.

"Um no, what the heck is wrong with you Kenny?" I asked appalled.

"Sometimes you got to make some choices that you're not happy with. Would you rather him be happy and alive or dead possibly because of you?" Kenny asked I felt increasingly numb and angry.

"I'm not going to hurt him, and no matter what anyone thinks I won't let that happen." I said back.

"And that's cute and heartfelt, but that doesn't mean something else couldn't be arranged." He said shrugging.

"Well you can try like Carlo, and I'm sure you will fail like Carlo." I said glaring at him ready to attack.

"Yeah I can try and maybe I'll win. Who knows maybe I got more tricks up my sleeve then the old man." He got stood up realizing I wouldn't take his hand; there was no way I was going to agree to his crazy plan.

"You really have lost your mind. I don't know why your letting the worst come out in you but I know you have it in you to keep it away." I said touching his arm. "I know you care about Evan, and if you think about what you're saying you will realize it's not you."

Kenny backed up staring at me as if I were the one talking crazy.

"I know one thing; I know I figured out a way to have a clear conscience. That's all I wanted for way to long. So why would I give that up because of some weak feelings for a so called brother?" He laughed touching my face.

"Because you're not yourself right now, and Evan and I know you got it in you to do what is right Kenny."

"Sorry to disappoint, one thing Carlo did well and that was to mess with my head enough to eventually not be able to shut this stuff off. Props to the mad man!" He said clapping his hands in my face, his eyes were wild. I knew it wasn't Kenny it was the programmed version the brainwashed one who did whatever he had to now. I didn't back down, I shook my head holding tight to his arm.

"I'm not going to help change anything, and I won't agree or do what you want me to, so try whatever it is you want, it won't happen." I said face to face with him.

"Don't be a stupid girl Eve." He said touching my hair.

"You don't even know what I can do Kenny, or what I will do to protect Evan. I am willing to do just about anything to keep him safe because I care about him that much." I said.

"Yeah ok but you don't know what you're going up against."

"It doesn't matter just you watch, either you figure out a way to get over your weak pathetic issues, or I will fix it for you myself." I said.

Kenny gave me one more look before heading out of the house.

"Bring it on." I said locking the door watching him leave.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now