Fixing me

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You find out a secret was right underneath your nose, and you don't know what to do with it. Finding out that Evan had known my brother all along and never said a thing, well that was just baffling. How he could keep something a secret for so long was amazing also.

I wasn't sure if I was angry with him, I really wasn't sure what I should feel. I waited for the moment when I would be given an answer. When I finally did, I felt a little free and a little resentful. It was so hard to let it sink in, and to some maybe it made no sense. But to me it made all the sense I needed. It gave me something to add to my grief that could change my grief.

"Evan." I spoke staring at him as we both watched television.

"Eve." He said back turning to give me a glance before gluing his eyes back on the game.

"Did you know who I was when I was in the woods?"

"I knew who you were the instant you told me about your brother." Evan said.

"What did you think?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. "I mean did that make a difference?"

"I didn't have to think anything you won me over just being you, before I knew you were his sister you had already did that." He sighed.

"Did you feel funny liking me like you did because I was his sister?" This was something that seemed a little odd to me. Evan knowing I was Marcus' sister and still pursuing, didn't he think it a little rude?

"Honored, I felt very honored. I saw what he saw in you and I totally knew why he wanted to keep you safe." He grinned at me knowing the mushy level was starting to rise in the room; I crinkled my nose trying to accept all the love.

"I'm sad but at the same time proud of my brother." I said looking off thinking how Marcus had always been there. Maybe he was right maybe the only way he could keep up that promise was to do what he did. Giving up his life was noble and almost hero like. If not for him maybe I would be dead.

"So although you realized you were supposed to kill me, knowing who I was would you have done it if things had been different and you hadn't liked me?" I asked moving closer.

"Honestly don't even know how to answer that. If you were some annoying girl who got on my last nerve, I might have considered but probably no. He would have died for nothing then right?"

I let out a sigh feeling really off. "I just hope one thing."

"And that is?" Evan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Is everything like it is because you love me and I love you, or simply because you were honoring my dead brother?" He looked appalled, his hands balling up as he scanned my face for some sort of joke.

"Oh grow up; do you really think I would have gone through all of this because I felt sorry for your brother?" He pushed me softly.

"You like to do what's right, that's like your motto or something."

"I did what was right, I hadn't a clue I would fall for you. It was meant to be I tell ya." He messed my hair up teasingly. I sighed again still feeling bothered.

"You don't think your replacing him, or that you're my new brother do you?" Because I couldn't begin to explain, how disgusting that would feel if that were the case.

"You know you keep saying all this crazy stuff out loud I may never sleep with you again, you're a sick girl. I in no way feel like I'm your brother or taking over where he left off. Anything else?" Evan asked sighing looking as if he was ready to escape.

"Do you think this proves Kenny has no hope?" I asked hoping that made me free to live life without worry.

"I think your brother has proved thus far so what would stop him now?" He asked kissing my hand. "Or you?"

He was right so far so good. The only choice we had was to sit and wait for another attack from the wackiness he liked to call his family. I liked to take chances and all that but I simply was tired of diving in with the sharks and coming out with missing pieces. Maybe I would just sit back and wait for the vultures to come this time, I was sick of having to come near death for them to swarm.

There was one thing that I was certain about obsessive behavior you couldn't turn it off, knowing Kenny was obsessed with vindication for all his wrong doing I knew it was only a matter of time before he would prove to us whether he was our friend or his own worst enemy.

Kenny was trying to play a game it was simple as that. Kenny wanted a way to make himself feel better. The way he thought that would happen was to either break free or be on top, the one with all the control, the one who had no one to answer to. When you were in control you didn't have to have a conscience because nothing mattered to anyone, the only person you needed to please was yourself.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now